#VRML V2.0 utf8 Group { children [ DirectionalLight { ambientIntensity 0 color 1 1 .9, direction .5 -1.5 -1, intensity 1.8 on TRUE } DirectionalLight { ambientIntensity 0 color 1 1 .9, direction -.5 1 0, intensity 1 on TRUE } NavigationInfo { avatarSize [ .2 1.4 .5 ] headlight FALSE } DirectionalLight { ambientIntensity 0 color .6 .6 .8, direction -1 .5 2, intensity 1 on TRUE } Background { groundAngle [ 1.5 1.6 ] groundColor [ .2 .6 .3 .4 .4 .35 .3 .5 .6 ] backUrl [ ] bottomUrl [ ] frontUrl [ ] leftUrl [ ] rightUrl [ ] topUrl [ ] skyAngle [ 1.5 ] skyColor [ .5 .7 1 .7 1 .9 ] } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 0 1 0 -.5 position -4 2 10 description "Entry" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 0 0 1 0 position 3.5 1.7 13 description "Vooraanzicht" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 0 0 1 0 position 2.5 1.5 -4.5 description "Woonkamer" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 0 0 1 0 position 1.5 1.5 -1.7 description "Keuken" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 0 1 0 3.141592 position 2.5 2.5 -20 description "Achteraanzicht" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 -1.570796 position 2.5 20 -4.5 description "Bovenaanzicht" } # beneden/beneden.wrl DEF vloer Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .14 0 -.14, 5.54 0 -.14, 5.54 0 -8.86, .14 0 -8.86, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 2 3 -1, 0 3 2 1 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF drempelvoor Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .4 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } } geometry Box { size 1.23 .04 .3 } } ] translation 3.805 .02 -.14 } DEF drempelachter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .4 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } } geometry Box { size 1.05 .04 .3 } } ] translation 1.725 .02 -8.86 } DEF stukmuur1 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF wandkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .7 2.7 .07 } } ] translation .63 1.35 -3.395 } DEF stukmuur2 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size 1.41 2.7 .07 } } ] translation 2.485 1.35 -3.395 } DEF stukmuur3 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .43 2.7 .07 } } ] translation 4.205 1.35 -3.395 } DEF stukmuur4 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size 1.06 2.8 .07 } } ] translation 4.87 1.4 -4.395 } DEF stukmuur5 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.7 2.28 } } ] translation 3.155 1.35 -1.42 } DEF stukmuur6 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .98 2.8 .07 } } ] translation 4.91 1.4 -2.325 } DEF stukmuur7 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .98 2.7 .07 } } ] translation 4.91 1.35 -1.515 } DEF stukmuur8 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.7 .4 } } ] translation 4.455 1.35 -.48 } DEF stukmuur9 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.7 .74 } } ] translation 4.7 1.35 -1.92 } # binmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .28 0 -.28, #0 linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.4 0 -.28, 5.4 5.4 -.28, .28 5.4 -.28, #3 linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 -.28, #4 voordeur 4.42 0 -.28, 4.42 2.3 -.28, 3.19 2.3 -.28, #7 voordeur 4.84 1.6 -.28, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 -.28, 5.04 2.3 -.28, 4.84 2.3 -.28, 2.6 .9 -.28, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 -.28, .6 2.3 -.28, .6 .9 -.28, .6 3.6 -.28, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 -.28, 1.5 5 -.28, 4.42 5 -.28, 4.42 5.4 -.28, .6 5.4 -.28, .28 8.55 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 .28 2.7 -8.72, .28 0 -8.72, 5.4 8.55 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.4 5.4 -6.3, 5.4 5.4 -8.72, 5.4 0 -8.72, 2.25 0 -8.72, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -8.72, 4.8 .6 -8.72, 4.8 5.4 -8.72, 1.2 0 -8.72, 1.2 2.7 -8.72, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 .28 5.4 0, #59 hoekpunt voor dakvorm zolder 5.4 5.4 0, .28 5.4 -6.3, #61 .28 2.7 -9, #62 hoekpunt voor dakvorm 1e verdieping .28 2.7 -.28, #63 extra punten voor segmentering beneden .14 2.7 -.14, 5.4 2.7 -.28, #65 5.54 2.7 -.14, # .28 2.7 -8.72, #67 .14 2.7 -8.86, # 5.4 2.7 -8.72, #69 5.54 2.7 -8.86, # 1.2 2.7 -8.72, #71 1.2 2.7 -8.86, # 4.8 2.7 -8.72, #73 4.8 2.7 -8.86, # ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 4 12 15 -1, 0 15 12 4 -1, 0 15 14 63 -1, 0 63 14 15 -1, 14 13 65 63 -1, 4 12 13 7 -1, 13 7 6 65 -1, 6 11 10 65 -1, 5 8 11 6 -1, 5 8 9 1 -1, 1 9 10 65 -1, 0 63 67 24 -1, 67 24 33 71 -1, 28 29 30 31 -1, 28 31 73 69 -1, 28 69 65 1 -1, 63 65 66 64 -1, 65 69 70 66 -1, 63 67 68 64 -1, 69 73 74 70 -1, 67 71 72 68 -1, 5 6 37 36 -1, 6 7 38 37 -1, 4 35 38 7 -1, 12 39 40 13 -1, 13 40 41 14 -1, 14 41 42 15 -1, 15 42 39 12 -1, 8 43 44 9 -1, 9 44 45 10 -1, 10 45 46 11 -1, 11 46 43 8 -1, 29 53 54 30 -1, 30 54 55 31 -1, 31 55 74 73 -1, 33 57 72 71 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } #benodigde tijd tot hier 2 uur(kale buitenkant van het huis ) # /binmuur.wrl # buitmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF steen Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .4 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 0 0, # 0 linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.68 0 0, 5.68 5.4 0, # 2 0 5.4 0, # 3 linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 0, #voordeur 4.42 0 0, 4.42 2.3 0, # 6 3.19 2.3 0, # 7 voordeur 4.84 1.6 0, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 0, 5.04 2.3 0, # 10 4.84 2.3 0, 2.6 .9 0, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 0, # 13 .6 2.3 0, .6 .9 0, .6 3.6 0, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 0, 1.5 5 0, 4.42 5 0, 4.42 5.4 0, .6 5.4 0, 0 8.555 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 0 2.7 -9, 0 0 -9, 5.68 8.555 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.68 5.4 -6.3, 5.68 5.4 -9, 5.68 0 -9, 2.25 0 -9, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -9, 4.8 .6 -9, 4.8 5.4 -9, 1.2 0 -9, 1.2 2.7 -9, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 0 2.7 0, #59 extra punten voor segmentering beneden .14 2.7 -.14, 5.68 2.7 0, #61 5.54 2.7 -.14, # 0 2.7 -9, #63 .14 2.7 -8.86, # 5.68 2.7 -9, #65 5.54 2.7 -8.86, # 1.2 2.7 -9, #67 1.2 2.7 -8.86, # 4.8 2.7 -9, #69 4.8 2.7 -8.86, # ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 4 12 15 -1, 0 15 14 59 -1, 14 13 61 59 -1, 4 7 13 12 -1, 13 11 61 -1, 11 10 61 -1, 9 1 61 10 -1, 5 1 9 8 -1, 5 8 11 6 -1, 0 59 63 24 -1, 1 28 65 61 -1, 28 29 30 31 -1, 28 31 69 65 -1, 33 24 63 67 -1, 5 6 37 36 -1, 6 7 38 37 -1, 4 35 38 7 -1, 12 13 40 39 -1, 13 14 41 40 -1, 15 42 41 14 -1, 12 39 42 15 -1, 8 9 44 43 -1, 9 10 45 44 -1, 10 11 46 45 -1, 11 8 43 46 -1, 29 53 54 30 -1, 30 54 55 31 -1, 31 55 70 69 -1, 33 67 68 57 -1, 59 61 62 60 -1, 59 60 64 63 -1, 61 65 66 62 -1, 65 69 70 66 -1, 64 68 67 63 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } Transform { #schuurtje children [ DEF schuurvloer Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .1 0 -.1, 2.1 0 -.1, 2.1 0 -3.1, .1 0 -3.1, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 2 3 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE steen geometry Box { size 2.2 2.6 .1 } } ] translation 1.1 1.3 -.05 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE steen geometry Box { size 2.2 2.6 .1 } } ] translation 1.1 1.3 -3.15 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE steen geometry Box { size .1 2.6 1.3 } } ] translation .05 1.3 -.75 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE steen geometry Box { size .1 2.6 .75 } } ] translation .05 1.3 -2.725 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE steen geometry Box { size .1 2.6 3 } } ] translation 2.15 1.3 -1.6 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF blauw Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .3 .4 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .05 .44 .85 } } ] translation .05 2.38 -1.875 } Transform { #drempel van schuurdeur children [ Transform { #deurpost children [ DEF deurpost Shape { appearance DEF grijs Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .4 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } } geometry Box { size .05 2.56 .05 } } ] translation 0 1.3 .45 } Transform { #deurpost children [ Shape { appearance USE grijs geometry Box { size .05 .05 .85 } } ] translation 0 2.135 0 } Transform { #deurpost children [ USE deurpost ] translation 0 1.3 -.45 } Shape { appearance USE grijs geometry Box { size .1 .04 .95 } } ] translation .05 .02 -1.875 } ] translation 3.48 0 7.8 } # /buitmuur.wrl # trapbeneden.wrl DEF trapbeneden Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry DEF trap IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ -.2 0 1, #0 0 .2 1, 0 .2 0, -.2 0 0, #3 .28 .4 1, #4 .6 .6 1, .98 .8 1, .98 1 .45, #7 .98 1.2 .25, #8 .98 1.4 0, .98 1.6 -.25, .98 1.8 -.45, #11 .98 2 -1, #12 .6 2.2 -1, .28 2.4 -1, 0 2.6 -1, #15 0 .6 0, #16 0 .8 0, 0 1 0, #18 0 1.2 0, #19 0 1.4 0, #20 0 1.6 0, 0 1.8 0, #22 0 2 0, #23 0 2.2 0, #24 0 2.4 0, 0 2.6 0, 0 2.8 0, #27 -.2 .2 1, #28 0 .4 1, 0 .4 0, -.2 .2 0, #31 .28 .6 1, #32 .6 .8 1, .98 1 1, .98 1.2 .45, #35 .98 1.4 .25, #36 .98 1.6 0, .98 1.8 -.25, .98 2 -.45, #39 .98 2.2 -1, #40 .6 2.4 -1, .28 2.6 -1, 0 2.8 -1, #43 0 0 1, 0 0 0, #45 0 .4 0, #46 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 28 1 2 31 -1, #1e_treevlak 29 4 46 -1, #2e 32 5 16 -1, 33 6 17 -1, 34 7 18 -1, 35 8 19 -1, 36 9 20 -1, 37 10 21 -1, 38 11 22 -1, 39 12 23 -1, 40 13 24 -1, 41 14 25 -1, 42 15 26 -1, #13e_treevlak 0 28 31 3 -1, #voor_en_zijvlakken_van_de_eerste_tree 0 44 1 28 -1, 3 31 2 45 -1, 2 1 29 30 -1, #alle_voorvlakken 46 4 32 16 -1, 16 5 33 17 -1, 17 6 34 18 -1, 18 7 35 19 -1, 19 8 36 20 -1, 20 9 37 21 -1, 21 10 38 22 -1, 22 11 39 23 -1, 23 12 40 24 -1, 24 13 41 25 -1, 25 14 42 26 -1, 26 15 43 27 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] translation 4.42 0 -3.36 } # /trapbeneden.wrl # deuren.wrl Transform { children [ DEF deurgroep Group { #DEURKEUKENWOONKAMER children [ #dwarslat boven de deur DEF dwarslat Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF kozijn Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .95 .95 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 .05 .05 } } ] translation 0 2.035 0 } DEF ruitje Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 .64 .01 } } ] translation 0 2.38 0 } #ruit boven de deur #deur DEF deur Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } # ../boven/deurklink.wrl DEF deurklink Transform { children [ DEF enehelft Shape { appearance DEF aluminium Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .5 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor .4 .4 .5 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { point [ -.015 .02 0, #0 .015 .02 0, .02 -.02 0, -.02 -.02 0, #3 -.01 -.015 .06, #4 .01 -.015 .06, -.01 .015 .03, .01 .015 .03, .005 .1 .035, #8 -.005 .1 .035, -.005 .1 .055, .005 .1 .055, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 2 3 4 5 -1, 2 5 4 3 -1, 4 5 11 10 -1, 4 10 11 5 -1, 0 1 7 6 -1, 0 6 7 1 -1, 6 7 8 9 -1, 6 9 8 7 -1, 8 9 10 11 -1, 8 11 10 9 -1, 0 6 4 3 -1, 0 3 4 6 -1, 6 9 10 4 -1, 6 4 10 9 -1, 1 2 5 7 -1, 1 7 5 2 -1, 7 5 11 8 -1, 7 8 11 5 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE #texCoordIndex [] } } #enehelft Transform { children [ USE enehelft ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 translation 0 0 -.07 } Transform { children [ DEF vlakdeel Shape { appearance USE aluminium geometry Box { size .18 .07 .01 } } #shape ] translation -.03 0 -.005 } Transform { children [ USE vlakdeel ] translation -.03 0 -.065 } ] translation .35 0 .035 rotation 0 0 1 1.570796 } #deurklink # /../boven/deurklink.wrl DEF deurvorm Shape { appearance DEF deurkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .8 .8 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 2 .05 } } ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] } #deurgroep ] translation 1.38 0 -3.395 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur.touchTime TO TimeSource.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource.fraction_changed TO Deuropen.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen.value_changed TO deur.rotation #deur2 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitje #deur DEF deurkeukengang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur2 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource2 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen2 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 3.155 0 -2.96 rotation 0 1 0 1.570796 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur2.touchTime TO TimeSource2.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource2.fraction_changed TO Deuropen2.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen2.value_changed TO deurkeukengang.rotation #deur3 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitje #deur DEF deurwoonkamergang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur3 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource3 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: deze deur draait tegengesteld aan de andere DEF Deuropen3 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 3.59 0 -3.395 rotation 0 1 0 0 } #deur3 #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur3.touchTime TO TimeSource3.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource3.fraction_changed TO Deuropen3.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen3.value_changed TO deurwoonkamergang.rotation #deur4 Transform { children [ DEF dwarslatafw Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .93 .05 .05 } } ] translation 0 2.035 0 } DEF ruitjeafw Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .93 .64 .01 } } ] translation 0 2.38 0 } #ruit boven de deur#deur DEF deurwoonkamertrapkast Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur4 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource4 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen4 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink Shape { #afwijkende deurmaat appearance USE deurkleur geometry Box { size .93 2 .05 } } ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 4.395 0 -3.895 rotation 0 1 0 -1.570796 } #deur4 #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur4.touchTime TO TimeSource4.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource4.fraction_changed TO Deuropen4.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen4.value_changed TO deurwoonkamertrapkast.rotation #deur5 Transform { children [ DEF dwarslatafw2 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .74 .05 .05 } } ] translation 0 2.035 0 } DEF ruitjeafw2 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .74 .64 .01 } } ] translation 0 2.38 0 } #ruit boven de deur#deur DEF deurgangmeterkast Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur5 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource5 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen5 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -.7 0 1 0 -1.5 0 1 0 -1.5 0 1 0 -.7 0 1 0 0 ] } DEF deurklinkafw Transform { children [ USE enehelft Transform { children [ USE enehelft ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 translation 0 0 -.07 } Transform { children [ DEF vlakdeel Shape { appearance USE aluminium geometry Box { size .18 .07 .01 } } #shape ] translation -.03 0 -.005 } Transform { children [ USE vlakdeel ] translation -.03 0 -.065 } ] translation .32 0 .035 rotation 0 0 1 1.570796 } #deurklink Shape { #afwijkende deurmaat appearance USE deurkleur geometry Box { size .74 2 .05 } } ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 4.455 0 -1.92 rotation 0 1 0 -1.570796 } #deur5 #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur5.touchTime TO TimeSource5.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource5.fraction_changed TO Deuropen5.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen5.value_changed TO deurgangmeterkast.rotation #deur6 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitje #deur DEF deurtoiletgang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur6 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource6 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen6 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 4.455 0 -1.08 rotation 0 1 0 -1.570796 } #deur6 #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur6.touchTime TO TimeSource6.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource6.fraction_changed TO Deuropen6.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen6.value_changed TO deurtoiletgang.rotation # voordeur.wrl DEF voordeur Transform { center 1.11 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance DEF deurkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .8 .8 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 0 .025, #0 1.11 0 .025, # 1.11 2.19 .025, # 0 2.19 .025, #3 .71 .49 .025, #4 .91 .49 .025, # .91 1.99 .025, # .71 1.99 .025, #7 0 0 -.025, #8 1.11 0 -.025, # 1.11 2.19 -.025, # 0 2.19 -.025, #11 .71 .49 -.025, #12 .91 .49 -.025, # .91 1.99 -.025, # .71 1.99 -.025, #15 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 5 4 -1, 1 2 6 5 -1, 6 2 3 7 -1, 0 4 7 3 -1, 1 0 8 9 -1, 3 2 10 11 -1, 0 3 11 8 -1, 2 1 9 10 -1, 5 6 14 13 -1, 4 5 13 12 -1, 6 7 15 14 -1, 7 4 12 15 -1, 9 8 12 13 -1, 10 9 13 14 -1, 11 10 14 15 -1, 12 8 11 15 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } DEF klikopvoordeur TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSourcevoor TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF VoorDeuropen OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -.7 0 1 0 -1.5 0 1 0 -1.5 0 1 0 -.7 0 1 0 0 ] } DEF deurgreep Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF aluminium Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .4 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor .9 .9 .9 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .2 .2 .004 } } ] translation .15 .9 .067 } DEF steunblokje Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF aluminium Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .4 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor .9 .9 .9 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .14 .14 .04 } } ] translation .15 .9 .045 } DEF ruitjeindeur Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .2 1.5 .01 } } ] translation .81 1.24 0 } ] translation 3.25 .05 -.14 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopvoordeur.touchTime TO TimeSourcevoor.startTime #ROUTE TimeSourcevoor.fraction_changed TO VoorDeuropen.set_fraction #ROUTE VoorDeuropen.value_changed TO voordeur.rotation # /voordeur.wrl # achterdeur.wrl #bevat ook schuurdeur DEF achterdeur Transform { center 0 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance DEF deurkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .8 .8 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry DEF deurInd IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .93 0 -.025, #0 0 0 -.025, # 0 2.09 -.025, # .93 2.09 -.025, #3 .765 .6 -.025, #4 .165 .6 -.025, # .165 1.9 -.025, # .765 1.9 -.025, #7 .93 0 .025, #0 0 0 .025, # 0 2.09 .025, # .93 2.09 .025, #3 .765 .6 .025, #4 .165 .6 .025, # .165 1.9 .025, # .765 1.9 .025, #7 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 5 4 -1, 1 2 6 5 -1, 6 2 3 7 -1, 0 4 7 3 -1, 1 0 8 9 -1, 3 2 10 11 -1, 0 3 11 8 -1, 2 1 9 10 -1, 5 6 14 13 -1, 4 5 13 12 -1, 6 7 15 14 -1, 7 4 12 15 -1, 9 8 12 13 -1, 10 9 13 14 -1, 11 10 14 15 -1, 12 8 11 15 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } DEF klikopachterdeur TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSourceachter TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF achterDeuropen OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 .7 0 1 0 1.5 0 1 0 1.5 0 1 0 .7 0 1 0 0 ] } Transform { # ../boven/deurklink.wrl children [ DEF deurklink Transform { children [ DEF enehelft Shape { appearance DEF aluminium Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .5 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor .4 .4 .5 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { point [ -.015 .02 0, #0 .015 .02 0, .02 -.02 0, -.02 -.02 0, #3 -.01 -.015 .06, #4 .01 -.015 .06, -.01 .015 .03, .01 .015 .03, .005 .1 .035, #8 -.005 .1 .035, -.005 .1 .055, .005 .1 .055, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 2 3 4 5 -1, 2 5 4 3 -1, 4 5 11 10 -1, 4 10 11 5 -1, 0 1 7 6 -1, 0 6 7 1 -1, 6 7 8 9 -1, 6 9 8 7 -1, 8 9 10 11 -1, 8 11 10 9 -1, 0 6 4 3 -1, 0 3 4 6 -1, 6 9 10 4 -1, 6 4 10 9 -1, 1 2 5 7 -1, 1 7 5 2 -1, 7 5 11 8 -1, 7 8 11 5 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE #texCoordIndex [] } } #enehelft Transform { children [ USE enehelft ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 translation 0 0 -.07 } Transform { children [ DEF vlakdeel Shape { appearance USE aluminium geometry Box { size .18 .07 .01 } } #shape ] translation -.03 0 -.005 } Transform { children [ USE vlakdeel ] translation -.03 0 -.065 } ] translation .35 0 .035 rotation 0 0 1 1.570796 } #deurklink ] # /../boven/deurklink.wrl translation .5 1 0 } DEF ruitindeur Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .6 1.3 .01 } } ] translation .465 1.25 0 } ] translation 1.26 .05 -8.86 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopachterdeur.touchTime TO TimeSourceachter.startTime #ROUTE TimeSourceachter.fraction_changed TO achterDeuropen.set_fraction #ROUTE achterDeuropen.value_changed TO achterdeur.rotation #schuurdeur DEF schuurdeur Transform { children [ DEF klikopschuurdeur TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSourceschuur TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF schuurDeuropen OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 1.570796 0 1 0 2.4 0 1 0 3.4 0 1 0 3.4 0 1 0 2.4 0 1 0 1.570796 ] } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE deurkleur geometry USE deurInd } ] scale .913978 1 1 #maakt de deur op maat } USE ruitindeur Transform { children USE deurklink translation .43 1 0 } ] translation 3.53 .05 6.35 rotation 0 1 0 1.570796 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopschuurdeur.touchTime TO TimeSourceschuur.startTime #ROUTE TimeSourceschuur.fraction_changed TO schuurDeuropen.set_fraction #ROUTE schuurDeuropen.value_changed TO schuurdeur.rotation # /achterdeur.wrl # /deuren.wrl # ramen.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF kozijn Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .95 .95 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .05 1.3 .05 } } ] translation .625 1.6 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.3 .05 } } ] translation 2.575 1.6 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.3 .05 } } ] translation 1.475 1.6 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.3 .05 } } ] translation 1.725 1.6 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 2 .05 .05 } } ] translation 1.6 .925 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 2 .05 .05 } } ] translation 1.6 2.275 -.14 } #einde keukenraam #begin toiletraam Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 .7 .05 } } ] translation 4.865 1.95 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 .7 .05 } } ] translation 5.015 1.95 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .1 .05 .05 } } ] translation 4.94 1.625 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .1 .05 .05 } } ] translation 4.94 2.275 -.14 } #einde toiletraam #voordeur posten Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.26 .05 } } ] translation 3.215 1.17 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.26 .05 } } ] translation 4.395 1.17 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.13 .05 .05 } } ] translation 3.805 2.275 -.14 } #einde deurposten #begin kozijnen achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.1 .05 } } ] translation 3.215 1.65 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.1 .05 } } ] translation 4.775 1.65 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF blauw Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .3 .4 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size 1.51 .5 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 2.45 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.51 .05 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 .625 -8.86 } #1 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.51 .05 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 2.175 -8.86 } #2 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .94 .05 .05 } } ] translation 2.72 .625 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.99 .05 .05 } } ] translation 2.195 2.675 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1 .05 .05 } } ] translation 1.725 2.175 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.61 .05 } } ] translation 1.225 1.345 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.61 .05 } } ] translation 2.225 1.345 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.5 .05 } } ] translation 3.565 1.4 -8.86 } #einde ramen achter # /ramen.wrl # ruiten.wrl #begin vensterglas Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .94 2 .01 } } ] translation 2.72 1.65 -8.86 } #ruit 5 achter #ruit1 keuken Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .8 1.3 .01 } } ] translation 1.05 1.6 -.14 } #ruit 1 keuken #ruit3 keuken Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .8 1.3 .01 } } ] translation 2.15 1.6 -.14 } #ruit 3 keuken #ruit2 keuken Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .2 1.3 .01 } } ] translation 1.6 1.6 -.14 } #ruit 2 keuken #toiletruit Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .1 .6 .01 } } ] translation 4.94 1.95 -.14 } #ruit van toiletraam #ramen achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size 1.16 1.5 .01 } } ] translation 4.17 1.4 -8.86 } #ruit 3 achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .3 1.5 .01 } } ] translation 3.39 1.4 -8.86 } #ruit 4 achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .95 .45 .01 } } ] translation 1.725 2.425 -8.86 } #ruit 6 achter # /ruiten.wrl # /beneden/beneden.wrl DEF boven Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF groen Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity 1 diffuseColor 0 1 0 emissiveColor 0 1 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry DEF pijl IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 0 0, .2 .2 0, .2 -.2 0, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 2 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } #shape ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 } DEF schuifboven TouchSensor { } ] translation .15 2.95 .3 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF rood Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity 1 diffuseColor 1 0 0 emissiveColor 1 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry USE pijl } DEF schuifboven2 TouchSensor { } ] translation 5.48 2.95 .3 } # boven/boven.wrl Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 0 position 2.5 3.75 -2.5 description "Ouderslaapkamer" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 0 position 2.5 3.75 -5 description "Tweede slaapkamer" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 0 position 4.5 3.75 -7 description "Kinderkamer" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 0 position 4.5 3.75 -1.5 description "Badkamer" } #dak van schuur Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF appdak Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity 0 diffuseColor .2 .2 .2 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess 0 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture ImageTexture { url [ "" ] repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE } } geometry Box { size 2.24 .04 3.24 } } ] translation 4.6 2.62 6.2 } DEF plafond Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 1 1 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .14 2.7 -.14, 5.54 2.7 -.14, 5.54 2.7 -8.86, .14 2.7 -8.86, 5.54 2.7 -2.36, #-4 5.54 2.7 -4.36, 4.42 2.7 -4.36, 4.42 2.7 -2.36, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 4 7 -1, 0 7 4 1 -1, 0 7 6 3 -1, 0 3 6 7 -1, 5 2 3 6 -1, 5 6 3 2 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF vloerboven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .14 2.8 -.14, 5.54 2.8 -.14, 5.54 2.8 -8.86, .14 2.8 -8.86, 5.54 2.8 -2.36, #-4 5.54 2.8 -4.36, 4.42 2.8 -4.36, 4.42 2.8 -2.36, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 4 7 -1, 0 7 4 1 -1, 0 7 6 3 -1, 0 3 6 7 -1, 5 2 3 6 -1, 5 6 3 2 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF stukmuur1 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF wandkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size 2.84 2.5 .07 } } ] translation 1.7 4.05 -4.565 } DEF stukmuur2 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.5 .7 } } ] translation 3.155 4.05 -4.28 } DEF stukmuur3 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.68 3.57 } } ] translation 3.155 4.05 -7.215 } DEF stukmuur4 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.5 2.85 } } ] translation 3.155 4.05 -1.705 } DEF stukmuur5 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .42 2.5 .07 } } ] translation 3.4 4.05 -2.325 } DEF stukmuur6 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .98 2.5 .07 } } ] translation 4.91 4.05 -2.325 } DEF stukmuur7 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size 1.34 2.5 .07 } } ] translation 4.73 4.05 -4.395 } DEF stukmuur8 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.5 1.2 } } ] translation 4.025 4.05 -4.96 } DEF vulstukvoortrap Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 4.42 2.7 -2.36, 4.42 2.7 -3.36, 4.42 2.8 -3.36, 4.42 2.8 -2.36, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 2 3 -1, 0 3 2 1 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF paalvoortrap Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE wandkleur geometry Box { size .07 2.5 .07 } } ] translation 4.385 4.05 -3.36 } # deuren.wrl #Deuren boven #deur7 Transform { children [ #dwarslat boven de deur DEF dwarslat Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF kozijn Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .95 .95 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 .05 .05 } } ] translation 0 2.035 0 } DEF ruitjeboven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 .44 .01 } } ] translation 0 2.28 0 } #ruit boven de deur #deur DEF deuroudersgang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur7 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource7 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen7 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } DEF deurklink Transform { children [ DEF enehelft Shape { appearance DEF aluminium Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .4 .4 .5 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor .4 .4 .5 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { point [ -.015 .02 0, #0 .015 .02 0, .02 -.02 0, -.02 -.02 0, #3 -.01 -.015 .06, #4 .01 -.015 .06, -.01 .015 .03, .01 .015 .03, .005 .1 .035, #8 -.005 .1 .035, -.005 .1 .055, .005 .1 .055, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 2 3 4 5 -1, 2 5 4 3 -1, 4 5 11 10 -1, 4 10 11 5 -1, 0 1 7 6 -1, 0 6 7 1 -1, 6 7 8 9 -1, 6 9 8 7 -1, 8 9 10 11 -1, 8 11 10 9 -1, 0 6 4 3 -1, 0 3 4 6 -1, 6 9 10 4 -1, 6 4 10 9 -1, 1 2 5 7 -1, 1 7 5 2 -1, 7 5 11 8 -1, 7 8 11 5 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE #texCoordIndex [] } } #enehelft Transform { children [ USE enehelft ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 translation 0 0 -.07 } Transform { children [ DEF vlakdeel Shape { appearance USE aluminium geometry Box { size .18 .07 .01 } } #shape ] translation -.03 0 -.005 } Transform { children [ USE vlakdeel ] translation -.03 0 -.065 } ] translation .35 0 .035 rotation 0 0 1 1.570796 } #deurklink # /deurklink.wrl DEF deurvorm Shape { appearance DEF deurkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .8 .8 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 2 .05 } } ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 3.155 2.8 -3.53 rotation 0 1 0 1.570796 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur7.touchTime TO TimeSource7.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource7.fraction_changed TO Deuropen7.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen7.value_changed TO deuroudersgang.rotation #deur8 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitjeboven #deur DEF deurtweedeslaapkamergang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur8 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource8 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen8 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 3.155 2.8 -5.03 rotation 0 1 0 -1.570796 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur8.touchTime TO TimeSource8.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource8.fraction_changed TO Deuropen8.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen8.value_changed TO deurtweedeslaapkamergang.rotation #deur9 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitjeboven #deur DEF deurkinderkamergang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur9 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource9 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen9 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 3.59 2.8 -5.465 rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur9.touchTime TO TimeSource9.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource9.fraction_changed TO Deuropen9.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen9.value_changed TO deurkinderkamergang.rotation #deur10 Transform { children [ USE dwarslat USE ruitjeboven #deur DEF deurbadkamergang Transform { center -.4 0 0 children [ DEF klikopdeur10 TouchSensor { } DEF TimeSource10 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 20 } # Run once for 20 sec. # Animeer het openzwaaien van de deur rond de Y as: DEF Deuropen10 OrientationInterpolator { key [ 0 .025 .05 .95 .975 1 ] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ] } USE deurklink USE deurvorm ] translation 0 1.005 0 } ] translation 4.01 2.8 -2.325 rotation 0 1 0 0 } #moved to end #ROUTE klikopdeur10.touchTime TO TimeSource10.startTime #ROUTE TimeSource10.fraction_changed TO Deuropen10.set_fraction #ROUTE Deuropen10.value_changed TO deurbadkamergang.rotation # /deuren.wrl # trapboven.wrl DEF trapboven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry DEF trap2 IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ -.2 0 1, #0 0 .2 1, 0 .2 0, -.2 0 0, #3 .28 .4 1, #4 .6 .6 1, .98 .8 1, .98 1 .45, #7 .98 1.2 .25, #8 .98 1.4 0, .98 1.6 -.25, .98 1.8 -.45, #11 .98 2 -1, #12 .6 2.2 -1, .28 2.4 -1, 0 2.6 -1, #15 0 .6 0, #16 0 .8 0, 0 1 0, #18 0 1.2 0, #19 0 1.4 0, #20 0 1.6 0, 0 1.8 0, #22 0 2 0, #23 0 2.2 0, #24 0 2.4 0, 0 2.6 0, 0 2.8 0, #27 -.2 .2 1, #28 0 .4 1, 0 .4 0, -.2 .2 0, #31 .28 .6 1, #32 .6 .8 1, .98 1 1, .98 1.2 .45, #35 .98 1.4 .25, #36 .98 1.6 0, .98 1.8 -.25, .98 2 -.45, #39 .98 2.2 -1, #40 .6 2.4 -1, .28 2.6 -1, 0 2.8 -1, #43 0 0 1, 0 0 0, #45 0 .4 0, #46 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 28 1 2 31 -1, #1e_treevlak 29 4 46 -1, #2e 32 5 16 -1, 33 6 17 -1, 34 7 18 -1, 35 8 19 -1, 36 9 20 -1, 37 10 21 -1, 38 11 22 -1, 39 12 23 -1, 40 13 24 -1, 41 14 25 -1, 42 15 26 -1, #13e_treevlak # 0, 28, 31, 3, -1, #voor_en_zijvlakken_van_de_eerste_tree_komt_boven_niet_voor # 0, 44, 1, 28, -1, # 3, 31, 2, 45, -1, 2 1 29 30 -1, #alle_voorvlakken 46 4 32 16 -1, 16 5 33 17 -1, 17 6 34 18 -1, 18 7 35 19 -1, 19 8 36 20 -1, 20 9 37 21 -1, 21 10 38 22 -1, 22 11 39 23 -1, 23 12 40 24 -1, 24 13 41 25 -1, 25 14 42 26 -1, 26 15 43 27 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] translation 4.42 2.6 -3.36 } # /trapboven.wrl # buitmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF steen Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .4 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 0 0, #linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.68 0 0, 5.68 5.4 0, 0 5.4 0, #linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 0, #voordeur 4.42 0 0, 4.42 2.3 0, 3.19 2.3 0, #voordeur 4.84 1.6 0, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 0, 5.04 2.3 0, 4.84 2.3 0, 2.6 .9 0, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 0, .6 2.3 0, .6 .9 0, .6 3.6 0, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 0, 1.5 5 0, 4.42 5 0, 4.42 5.4 0, .6 5.4 0, 0 8.555 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 0 2.7 -9, 0 0 -9, 5.68 8.555 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.68 5.4 -6.3, 5.68 5.4 -9, 5.68 0 -9, 2.25 0 -9, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -9, 4.8 .6 -9, 4.8 5.4 -9, 1.2 0 -9, 1.2 2.7 -9, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 0 2.7 0, #59 extra punten voor segmentering beneden .14 2.7 -.14, 5.68 2.7 0, #61 5.54 2.7 -.14, # 0 2.7 -9, #63 .14 2.7 -8.86, # 5.68 2.7 -9, #65 5.54 2.7 -8.86, # 1.2 2.7 -9, #67 1.2 2.7 -8.86, # 4.8 2.7 -9, #69 4.8 2.7 -8.86, # .14 5.4 -.14, #71 5.54 5.4 -.14, #72 5.54 5.4 -8.86, #73 .14 2.7 -9, #74 .14 5.4 -6.3, #75 0 5.4 -6.3, #76 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 16 21 3 59 -1, 19 2 20 -1, 2 19 61 -1, 65 27 2 61 -1, 59 3 76 23 -1, 17 48 47 16 -1, 18 49 48 17 -1, 19 50 49 18 -1, 20 51 50 19 -1, 16 47 52 21 -1, 3 21 52 71 -1, 20 2 72 51 -1, 2 27 73 72 -1, 27 32 56 73 -1, 63 64 75 76 -1, 3 76 75 71 -1, #27, 32, 69, 65, -1, 27 65 69 32 -1, 32 69 70 56 -1, 59 17 16 -1, 59 61 17 -1, 17 61 18 -1, 18 61 19 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # /buitmuur.wrl # binmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .28 0 -.28, #0 linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.4 0 -.28, 5.4 5.4 -.28, .28 5.4 -.28, #3 linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 -.28, #4 voordeur 4.42 0 -.28, 4.42 2.3 -.28, 3.19 2.3 -.28, #7 voordeur 4.84 1.6 -.28, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 -.28, 5.04 2.3 -.28, 4.84 2.3 -.28, 2.6 .9 -.28, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 -.28, .6 2.3 -.28, .6 .9 -.28, .6 3.6 -.28, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 -.28, 1.5 5 -.28, 4.42 5 -.28, 4.42 5.4 -.28, .6 5.4 -.28, .28 8.55 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 .28 2.7 -8.72, .28 0 -8.72, 5.4 8.55 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.4 5.4 -6.3, 5.4 5.4 -8.72, 5.4 0 -8.72, 2.25 0 -8.72, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -8.72, 4.8 .6 -8.72, 4.8 5.4 -8.72, 1.2 0 -8.72, 1.2 2.7 -8.72, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 .28 5.4 0, #59 hoekpunt voor dakvorm zolder 5.4 5.4 0, .28 5.4 -6.3, #61 .28 2.7 -9, #62 hoekpunt voor dakvorm 1e verdieping .28 2.7 -.28, #63 extra punten voor segmentering boven .14 2.7 -.14, 5.4 2.7 -.28, #65 5.54 2.7 -.14, # .28 2.7 -8.72, #67 .14 2.7 -8.86, # 5.4 2.7 -8.72, #69 5.54 2.7 -8.86, # 1.2 2.7 -8.72, #71 1.2 2.7 -8.86, # 4.8 2.7 -8.72, #73 4.8 2.7 -8.86, # .14 5.4 -.14, #75 5.54 5.4 -.14, #76 5.54 5.4 -8.86, #77 .14 2.7 -9, #78 .14 5.4 -6.3, #79 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 16 21 3 63 -1, 19 2 20 -1, 63 16 17 65 -1, 17 18 19 65 -1, 2 19 65 -1, 69 27 2 65 -1, 63 3 61 62 -1, 16 47 48 17 -1, 17 48 49 18 -1, 18 49 50 19 -1, 19 50 51 20 -1, 21 52 47 16 -1, 73 74 56 32 -1, 69 73 32 27 -1, 3 21 52 75 -1, 20 2 76 51 -1, 3 61 79 75 -1, 2 27 77 76 -1, 62 61 79 78 -1, 27 32 56 77 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # /binmuur.wrl # ramen.wrl #begin bovenraam Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF kozijn Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .95 .95 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size 3.82 .05 .05 } } ] translation 2.51 5.025 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 3.82 .1 .05 } } ] translation 2.51 5.35 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.8 .05 } } ] translation .625 4.5 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.8 .05 } } ] translation 1.475 4.5 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 .25 .05 } } ] translation 4.395 5.175 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF blauw Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .3 .4 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .9 .25 .05 } } ] translation 3.05 5.175 -.14 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .9 .05 .05 } } ] translation 1.05 3.625 -.14 } #einde bovenraam #begin kozijnen achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.4 .05 } } ] translation 3.215 3.9 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 2.4 .05 } } ] translation 4.775 3.9 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE blauw geometry Box { size 1.61 .3 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 5.25 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE blauw geometry Box { size 1.51 .8 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 3.1 -8.86 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.51 .05 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 3.525 -8.86 } #3 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1.51 .05 .05 } } ] translation 3.995 5.075 -8.86 } #4 Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 1.5 .05 } } ] translation 3.565 4.3 -8.86 } #einde ramen achter # /ramen.wrl # ruiten.wrl #bovenruiten Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF glas Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .6 .6 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .8 specularColor 1 1 1 transparency .7 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Box { size .8 1.35 .01 } } ] translation 1.05 4.325 -.14 } #ruit 1 boven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .8 .3 .01 } } ] translation 1.05 5.2 -.14 } #ruit 2 boven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size 1.1 .3 .01 } } ] translation 2.05 5.2 -.14 } #ruit 3 boven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .85 .3 .01 } } ] translation 3.935 5.2 -.14 } #ruit 4 boven #ramen achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size 1.16 1.5 .01 } } ] translation 4.17 4.3 -8.86 } #ruit 1 achter Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE glas geometry Box { size .3 1.5 .01 } } ] translation 3.39 4.3 -8.86 } #ruit 2 achter # /ruiten.wrl # /boven/boven.wrl DEF zolder Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE groen geometry USE pijl } ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 } DEF schuifzolder TouchSensor { } ] translation .15 5.4 .3 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE rood geometry USE pijl } DEF schuifzolder2 TouchSensor { } ] translation 5.48 5.4 .3 } DEF dak Transform { children [ # dak/dak.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .3 .4 .5 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 5.4 0, #dakranden-0 5.68 5.4 0, 5.68 8.55 -3.15, 0 8.55 -3.15, 0 2.7 -9, 3.12 2.7 -9, 3.12 5.4 -6.3, 5.68 5.4 -6.3, #7 1.5 3.7 -8, #dakraam1-8 2.3 3.7 -8, 2.3 4.7 -7, 1.5 4.7 -7, 4.1 7.3 -1.9, #dakraam2-12 3.5 7.3 -1.9, 3.5 7.7 -2.3, 4.1 7.7 -2.3, #15 0 5.44 .04, #dikte van dakranden-16 5.68 5.44 .04, 5.68 8.606568 -3.15, 0 8.606568 -3.15, 0 2.74 -9.04, 3.12 2.74 -9.04, 3.12 5.44 -6.34, 5.68 5.44 -6.34, #23 1.5 3.74 -8.04, #dikte van het dakraam1-24 2.3 3.74 -8.04, 2.3 4.74 -7.04, 1.5 4.74 -7.04, #27 4.1 7.34 -1.86, #dikte van het dakraam2-28 3.5 7.34 -1.86, 3.5 7.74 -2.26, 4.1 7.74 -2.26, #31 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 13 14 3 -1, 0 3 14 13 -1, 16 29 30 19 -1, 16 19 30 29 -1, 0 1 12 13 -1, 0 13 12 1 -1, 16 17 28 29 -1, 16 29 28 17 -1, 1 12 15 2 -1, 1 2 15 12 -1, 17 28 31 18 -1, 17 18 31 28 -1, 15 2 3 14 -1, 15 14 3 2 -1, 31 18 19 30 -1, 31 30 19 18 -1, 4 8 11 3 -1, 4 3 11 8 -1, 20 24 27 19 -1, 20 19 27 24 -1, 5 4 8 9 -1, 5 9 8 4 -1, 21 20 24 25 -1, 21 25 24 20 -1, 5 9 10 6 -1, 5 6 10 9 -1, 21 25 26 22 -1, 21 22 26 25 -1, 7 6 2 -1, 7 2 6 -1, 23 22 18 -1, 23 18 22 -1, 6 10 11 3 2 -1, 6 2 3 11 10 -1, 22 26 18 -1, 22 18 26 -1, 26 27 19 -1, 26 19 27 -1, 26 19 18 -1, 26 18 19 -1, 0 1 17 16 -1, 0 16 17 1 -1, 1 2 18 17 -1, 1 17 18 2 -1, 3 0 16 19 -1, 3 19 16 0 -1, 2 7 23 18 -1, 2 18 23 7 -1, 7 6 22 23 -1, 7 23 22 6 -1, 5 6 22 21 -1, 5 21 22 6 -1, 5 4 20 21 -1, 5 21 20 4 -1, 4 3 19 20 -1, 4 20 19 3 -1, 9 8 24 25 -1, 9 25 24 8 -1, 8 11 27 24 -1, 8 24 27 11 -1, 10 11 27 26 -1, 10 26 27 11 -1, 9 10 26 25 -1, 9 25 26 10 -1, 12 13 29 28 -1, 12 28 29 13 -1, 12 15 31 28 -1, 12 28 31 15 -1, 14 15 31 30 -1, 14 30 31 15 -1, 13 14 30 29 -1, 13 29 30 14 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } #schoorsteen Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .1 .1 .1 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor .3 .3 .3 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 4.8 8 -2.6, 5.3 8 -2.6, 5.3 8.4 -3, 4.8 8.4 -3, 4.9 9.4 -2.65, 5.2 9.4 -2.65, 5.2 9.4 -2.95, 4.9 9.4 -2.95, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 5 4 -1, 0 4 5 1 -1, 1 2 6 5 -1, 1 5 6 2 -1, 2 3 7 6 -1, 2 6 7 3 -1, 0 3 7 4 -1, 0 4 7 3 -1, 4 5 6 7 -1, 4 7 6 5 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # /dak/dak.wrl Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE groen geometry USE pijl } ] rotation 0 1 0 3.141592 } DEF schuifdak TouchSensor { } ] translation .15 6 .3 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE rood geometry USE pijl } DEF schuifdak2 TouchSensor { } ] translation 5.48 6 .3 } DEF tijd1 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats1 PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 0 0 0 6 0 0 ] } DEF tijd1a TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats1a PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 6 0 0 0 0 0 ] } ] } #dak # zolder/zolder.wrl Viewpoint { fieldOfView 1 jump TRUE orientation 1 0 0 0 position 2.5 7 -3.15 description "op zolder" } #kleine platte dakje Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF appdak Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity 0 diffuseColor .2 .2 .2 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess 0 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture ImageTexture { url [ "" ] repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE } } geometry Box { size 2.6 .04 2.74 } } ] translation 4.39 5.4 -7.67 } DEF zoldervloer Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .5 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .14 5.4 0, 5.54 5.4 0, 5.54 5.4 -6.3, .14 5.4 -6.3, 5.54 5.4 -2.36, #-4 5.54 5.4 -4.36, 4.42 5.4 -4.36, 4.42 5.4 -2.36, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 4 7 -1, 0 7 4 1 -1, 0 7 6 3 -1, 0 3 6 7 -1, 5 2 3 6 -1, 5 6 3 2 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF plafondboven Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 1 1 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .14 5.3 -.14, 5.54 5.3 -.14, 5.54 5.3 -8.86, 3.19 5.3 -8.86, 5.54 5.3 -2.36, #-4 5.54 5.3 -4.36, 4.42 5.3 -4.36, 4.42 5.3 -2.36, 3.19 5.3 -6.4, .14 5.3 -6.4, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 4 7 -1, 0 7 4 1 -1, 0 7 6 8 9 -1, 0 9 8 6 7 -1, 5 2 3 8 6 -1, 5 6 8 3 2 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } DEF vulstukvoortrap Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF wandkleur Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 4.42 5.3 -2.36, #0 4.42 5.3 -3.36, 4.42 5.4 -3.36, 4.42 5.4 -2.36, #3 5.4 5.3 -2.36, #4 5.4 5.4 -2.36, 5.4 5.3 -4.36, #6 5.4 5.4 -4.36, 4.42 5.3 -4.36, #8 4.42 5.4 -4.36, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 0 1 2 3 -1, 0 3 2 1 -1, 0 3 5 4 -1, 9 8 6 7 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # ballustrade.wrl Transform { children [ DEF spijlen Group { children [ Transform { children [ DEF spijl Shape { appearance DEF kozijn Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .95 .95 .9 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry Cylinder { bottom FALSE height .8 radius .015 side TRUE top FALSE } } ] translation -.025 .4 .05 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .15 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .25 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .35 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .45 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .55 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .65 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .75 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .85 } Transform { children USE spijl translation -.025 .4 .95 } ] } #spijlengroup Transform { translation 0 0 1 rotation 0 1 0 1.570796 children USE spijlen } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size .05 .03 1.05 } } ] translation -.025 .815 .525 } Transform { children [ Shape { appearance USE kozijn geometry Box { size 1 .03 .05 } } ] translation .5 .815 1.025 } ] translation 4.42 5.4 -3.36 } # /ballustrade.wrl # binmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor 1 .9 .7 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ .28 0 -.28, #0 linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.4 0 -.28, 5.4 5.4 -.28, .28 5.4 -.28, #3 linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 -.28, #4 voordeur 4.42 0 -.28, 4.42 2.3 -.28, 3.19 2.3 -.28, #7 voordeur 4.84 1.6 -.28, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 -.28, 5.04 2.3 -.28, 4.84 2.3 -.28, 2.6 .9 -.28, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 -.28, .6 2.3 -.28, .6 .9 -.28, .6 3.6 -.28, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 -.28, 1.5 5 -.28, 4.42 5 -.28, 4.42 5.4 -.28, .6 5.4 -.28, .28 8.55 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 .28 2.7 -8.72, .28 0 -8.72, 5.4 8.55 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.4 5.4 -6.3, 5.4 5.4 -8.72, 5.4 0 -8.72, 2.25 0 -8.72, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -8.72, 4.8 .6 -8.72, 4.8 5.4 -8.72, 1.2 0 -8.72, 1.2 2.7 -8.72, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 .28 5.4 0, #59 hoekpunt voor dakvorm zolder 5.4 5.4 0, .28 5.4 -6.3, #61 .28 2.7 -9, #62 hoekpunt voor dakvorm 1e verdieping .14 5.4 0, #63 extra punten voor segmentering 5.54 5.4 0, .14 5.4 -6.3, 5.54 5.4 -6.3, #66 5.54 8.55 -3.15, #rechtergevel-67 .14 8.55 -3.15, #linkergevel-68 ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 59 22 61 -1, 60 25 26 -1, 59 63 68 22 -1, 68 22 61 65 -1, 60 64 67 25 -1, 25 67 66 26 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # /binmuur.wrl # buitmuur.wrl Transform { children [ Shape { appearance DEF steen Appearance { material Material { ambientIntensity .2 diffuseColor .8 .4 .3 emissiveColor 0 0 0 shininess .1 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 } texture NULL textureTransform NULL } geometry IndexedFaceSet { color NULL coord Coordinate { #default NULL point [ 0 0 0, #linkerbenedenhoek voorgevel 5.68 0 0, 5.68 5.4 0, 0 5.4 0, #linkerbovenhoek voorgevel 3.19 0 0, #voordeur 4.42 0 0, 4.42 2.3 0, 3.19 2.3 0, #voordeur 4.84 1.6 0, #toiletraam-8 5.04 1.6 0, 5.04 2.3 0, 4.84 2.3 0, 2.6 .9 0, #keukenraam-12 2.6 2.3 0, .6 2.3 0, .6 .9 0, .6 3.6 0, #bovenraam-16 1.5 3.6 0, 1.5 5 0, 4.42 5 0, 4.42 5.4 0, .6 5.4 0, 0 8.555 -3.15, #linkergevel-22 0 2.7 -9, 0 0 -9, 5.68 8.555 -3.15, #rechtergevel-25 5.68 5.4 -6.3, 5.68 5.4 -9, 5.68 0 -9, 2.25 0 -9, #achtergevel-29 2.25 .6 -9, 4.8 .6 -9, 4.8 5.4 -9, 1.2 0 -9, 1.2 2.7 -9, 3.19 0 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-35 4.42 0 -.14, 4.42 2.3 -.14, 3.19 2.3 -.14, #diepte van de voordeur-38 2.6 .9 -.14, # diepte van het keukenraam-39 2.6 2.3 -.14, .6 2.3 -.14, .6 .9 -.14, 4.84 1.6 -.14, #diepte van het toiletraam-43 5.04 1.6 -.14, 5.04 2.3 -.14, 4.84 2.3 -.14, .6 3.6 -.14, #diepte van het bovenraam-47 1.5 3.6 -.14, 1.5 5 -.14, 4.42 5 -.14, 4.42 5.4 -.14, .6 5.4 -.14, #52 2.25 0 -8.86, #diepte van de achtergevel-53 2.25 .6 -8.86, 4.8 .6 -8.86, 4.8 5.4 -8.86, 1.2 0 -8.86, 1.2 2.7 -8.86, #58 .14 5.4 0, #59 extra punten voor segmentering 5.54 5.4 0, .14 5.4 -6.3, 5.54 5.4 -6.3, #62 5.54 8.55 -3.15, #rechtergevel-63 .14 8.55 -3.15, #linkergevel-64 0 5.4 -6.3, ] } normal NULL texCoord NULL ccw TRUE colorIndex [ ] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coordIndex [ 3 22 65 -1, 2 26 25 -1, 3 59 64 22 -1, 61 65 22 64 -1, 60 2 25 63 -1, 63 25 26 62 -1, ] #default [] creaseAngle 0 normalIndex [ ] normalPerVertex TRUE solid FALSE texCoordIndex [ ] } } ] } # /buitmuur.wrl # /zolder/zolder.wrl DEF tijd2 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats2 PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 0 0 0 6 0 0 ] } DEF tijd2a TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats2a PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 6 0 0 0 0 0 ] } ] } #zolder DEF tijd3 TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats3 PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 0 0 0 6 0 0 ] } DEF tijd3a TimeSensor { cycleInterval 4 enabled TRUE loop FALSE startTime 0 stopTime 0 } DEF plaats3a PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 1 ] keyValue [ 6 0 0 0 0 0 ] } ] } #boven ] } #moved from above ROUTE klikopdeur.touchTime TO TimeSource.startTime ROUTE TimeSource.fraction_changed TO Deuropen.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen.value_changed TO deur.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur2.touchTime TO TimeSource2.startTime ROUTE TimeSource2.fraction_changed TO Deuropen2.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen2.value_changed TO deurkeukengang.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur3.touchTime TO TimeSource3.startTime ROUTE TimeSource3.fraction_changed TO Deuropen3.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen3.value_changed TO deurwoonkamergang.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur4.touchTime TO TimeSource4.startTime ROUTE TimeSource4.fraction_changed TO Deuropen4.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen4.value_changed TO deurwoonkamertrapkast.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur5.touchTime TO TimeSource5.startTime ROUTE TimeSource5.fraction_changed TO Deuropen5.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen5.value_changed TO deurgangmeterkast.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur6.touchTime TO TimeSource6.startTime ROUTE TimeSource6.fraction_changed TO Deuropen6.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen6.value_changed TO deurtoiletgang.rotation ROUTE klikopvoordeur.touchTime TO TimeSourcevoor.startTime ROUTE TimeSourcevoor.fraction_changed TO VoorDeuropen.set_fraction ROUTE VoorDeuropen.value_changed TO voordeur.rotation ROUTE klikopachterdeur.touchTime TO TimeSourceachter.startTime ROUTE TimeSourceachter.fraction_changed TO achterDeuropen.set_fraction ROUTE achterDeuropen.value_changed TO achterdeur.rotation ROUTE klikopschuurdeur.touchTime TO TimeSourceschuur.startTime ROUTE TimeSourceschuur.fraction_changed TO schuurDeuropen.set_fraction ROUTE schuurDeuropen.value_changed TO schuurdeur.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur7.touchTime TO TimeSource7.startTime ROUTE TimeSource7.fraction_changed TO Deuropen7.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen7.value_changed TO deuroudersgang.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur8.touchTime TO TimeSource8.startTime ROUTE TimeSource8.fraction_changed TO Deuropen8.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen8.value_changed TO deurtweedeslaapkamergang.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur9.touchTime TO TimeSource9.startTime ROUTE TimeSource9.fraction_changed TO Deuropen9.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen9.value_changed TO deurkinderkamergang.rotation ROUTE klikopdeur10.touchTime TO TimeSource10.startTime ROUTE TimeSource10.fraction_changed TO Deuropen10.set_fraction ROUTE Deuropen10.value_changed TO deurbadkamergang.rotation #uncommented ROUTE schuifdak.touchTime TO tijd1.startTime ROUTE tijd1.fraction_changed TO plaats1.set_fraction ROUTE plaats1.value_changed TO dak.translation ROUTE schuifzolder.touchTime TO tijd2.startTime ROUTE tijd2.fraction_changed TO plaats2.set_fraction ROUTE plaats2.value_changed TO zolder.translation ROUTE schuifboven.touchTime TO tijd3.startTime ROUTE tijd3.fraction_changed TO plaats3.set_fraction ROUTE plaats3.value_changed TO boven.translation ROUTE schuifdak2.touchTime TO tijd1a.startTime ROUTE tijd1a.fraction_changed TO plaats1a.set_fraction ROUTE plaats1a.value_changed TO dak.translation ROUTE schuifzolder2.touchTime TO tijd2a.startTime ROUTE tijd2a.fraction_changed TO plaats2a.set_fraction ROUTE plaats2a.value_changed TO zolder.translation ROUTE schuifboven2.touchTime TO tijd3a.startTime ROUTE tijd3a.fraction_changed TO plaats3a.set_fraction ROUTE plaats3a.value_changed TO boven.translation