/** * @author lxxxvi / https://github.com/lxxxvi * Developed as part of a project at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (www.fhnw.ch) */ QUnit.module( "SetValueCommand" ); QUnit.test( "Test SetValueCommand (Undo and Redo)", function( assert ) { var editor = new Editor(); var valueBefore = 1.10; var valueAfter = 2.20; var box = aBox( 'A Box' ); var light = aPointlight( 'A PointLight' ); var cam = aPerspectiveCamera( 'A PerspectiveCamera' ); [ box, light, cam ].map( function( object ) { editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( object ) ); assert.ok( 0 == 0, "Testing object of type '" + object.type + "'" ); [ 'name', 'fov', 'near', 'far', 'intensity', 'distance', 'angle', 'exponent', 'decay', 'visible', 'userData' ].map( function( item ) { if ( object[ item ] !== undefined ) { var cmd = new SetValueCommand( object, item, valueBefore ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); assert.ok( object[ item ] == valueBefore, " OK, the attribute '" + item + "' is correct after first execute (expected: '" + valueBefore + "', actual: '" + object[ item ] + "')" ); var cmd = new SetValueCommand( object, item, valueAfter ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); assert.ok( object[ item ] == valueAfter, " OK, the attribute '" + item + "' is correct after second execute (expected: '" + valueAfter + "', actual: '" + object[ item ] + "')" ); editor.undo(); assert.ok( object[ item ] == valueBefore, " OK, the attribute '" + item + "' is correct after undo (expected: '" + valueBefore + "', actual: '" + object[ item ] + "')" ); editor.redo(); assert.ok( object[ item ] == valueAfter, " OK, the attribute '" + item + "' is correct after redo (expected: '" + valueAfter + "', actual: '" + object[ item ] + "')" ); } } ); } ); } );