/** * @author lxxxvi / https://github.com/lxxxvi * Developed as part of a project at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (www.fhnw.ch) */ QUnit.module( "SetMaterialValueCommand" ); QUnit.test( "Test for SetMaterialValueCommand (Undo and Redo)", function( assert ) { // setup scene var editor = new Editor(); var box = aBox(); var cmd = new AddObjectCommand( box ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); // every attribute gets three test values var testData = { uuid: [ THREE.Math.generateUUID(), THREE.Math.generateUUID(), THREE.Math.generateUUID() ], name: [ 'Alpha', 'Bravo', 'Charlie' ], shininess: [ 11.1, 22.2, 33.3 ], vertexColors: [ 'No', 'Face', 'Vertex' ], bumpScale: [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ], reflectivity: [ - 1.3, 2.1, 5.0 ], aoMapIntensity: [ 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 ], side: [ 'Front', 'Back', 'Double' ], shading: [ 'No', 'Flat', 'Smooth' ], blending: [ 'No', 'Normal', 'Additive' ], opacity: [ 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 ], alphaTest: [ 0.1, 0.6, 0.9 ], wireframeLinewidth: [ 1.2, 3.4, 5.6 ] }; var testDataKeys = Object.keys( testData ); testDataKeys.map( function( attributeName ) { testData[ attributeName ].map( function( value ) { var cmd = new SetMaterialValueCommand( box, attributeName, value ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); } ); var length = testData[ attributeName ].length; assert.ok( box.material[ attributeName ] == testData[ attributeName ][ length - 1 ], "OK, " + attributeName + " was set correctly to the last value (expected: '" + testData[ attributeName ][ length - 1 ] + "', actual: '" + box.material[ attributeName ] + "')" ); editor.undo(); assert.ok( box.material[ attributeName ] == testData[ attributeName ][ length - 2 ], "OK, " + attributeName + " was set correctly to the second to the last value after undo (expected: '" + testData[ attributeName ][ length - 2 ] + "', actual: '" + box.material[ attributeName ] + "')" ); editor.redo(); assert.ok( box.material[ attributeName ] == testData[ attributeName ][ length - 1 ], "OK, " + attributeName + " was set correctly to the last value again after redo (expected: '" + testData[ attributeName ][ length - 1 ] + "', actual: '" + box.material[ attributeName ] + "')" ); } ); } );