/** * @author lxxxvi / https://github.com/lxxxvi * Developed as part of a project at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (www.fhnw.ch) */ QUnit.module( "SetGeometryCommand" ); QUnit.test( "Test SetGeometryCommand (Undo and Redo)", function( assert ) { var editor = new Editor(); // initialize objects and geometries var box = aBox( 'Guinea Pig' ); // default ( 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1 ) var boxGeometry1 = { geometry: { parameters: { width: 200, height: 201, depth: 202, widthSegments: 2, heightSegments: 3, depthSegments: 4 } } }; var boxGeometry2 = { geometry: { parameters: { width: 50, height: 51, depth: 52, widthSegments: 7, heightSegments: 8, depthSegments: 9 } } }; var geometryParams = [ boxGeometry1, boxGeometry2 ]; // add the object var cmd = new AddObjectCommand( box ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); for ( var i = 0; i < geometryParams.length; i ++ ) { var cmd = new SetGeometryCommand( box, getGeometry( "BoxGeometry", geometryParams[ i ] ) ); cmd.updatable = false; editor.execute( cmd ); var actualParams = box.geometry.parameters; var expectedParams = geometryParams[ i ].geometry.parameters; assert.ok( actualParams.width == expectedParams.width, "OK, box width matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); assert.ok( actualParams.height == expectedParams.height, "OK, box height matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); assert.ok( actualParams.depth == expectedParams.depth, "OK, box depth matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); assert.ok( actualParams.widthSegments == expectedParams.widthSegments, "OK, box widthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); assert.ok( actualParams.heightSegments == expectedParams.heightSegments, "OK, box heightSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); assert.ok( actualParams.depthSegments == expectedParams.depthSegments, "OK, box depthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry" + ( i + 1 ) ); } editor.undo(); var actualParams = box.geometry.parameters; var expectedParams = geometryParams[ 0 ].geometry.parameters; assert.ok( actualParams.width == expectedParams.width, "OK, box width matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.height == expectedParams.height, "OK, box height matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.depth == expectedParams.depth, "OK, box depth matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.widthSegments == expectedParams.widthSegments, "OK, box widthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.heightSegments == expectedParams.heightSegments, "OK, box heightSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.depthSegments == expectedParams.depthSegments, "OK, box depthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry1 (after undo)" ); editor.redo(); var actualParams = box.geometry.parameters; var expectedParams = geometryParams[ 1 ].geometry.parameters; assert.ok( actualParams.width == expectedParams.width, "OK, box width matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.height == expectedParams.height, "OK, box height matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.depth == expectedParams.depth, "OK, box depth matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.widthSegments == expectedParams.widthSegments, "OK, box widthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.heightSegments == expectedParams.heightSegments, "OK, box heightSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); assert.ok( actualParams.depthSegments == expectedParams.depthSegments, "OK, box depthSegments matches the corresponding value from boxGeometry2 (after redo)" ); } );