# THREEJS Benchmark Suite ### Example: Adding a New Suite For adding a new Tests we need two things - Adding the Test File - Linking it on the benchmark.html page Some example could be like this ```javascript (function() { // We want to make sure THREE.JS is loaded for this Benchmark var THREE if (Bench.isTHREELoaded()) { THREE = Bench.THREE; } else { Bench.warning("Test Example Benchmark not loaded because THREEJS was not loaded"); return; } var s = Bench.newSuite("Example Benchmark Distance Calculation"); var v2a = new THREE.Vector2(3.0, 3.0); var v2b = new THREE.Vector2(9.0, -3.0); var v3a = new THREE.Vector3(3.0, 3.0, 0.0); var v3b = new THREE.Vector3(9.0, -3.0, 0.0); s.add("Vector3", function() { v3a.distanceTo(v3b); }) s.add("Vector2", function() { v2a.distanceTo(v2b); }) })(); ``` Remember that THREEJS library is only accesible via `Bench.THREE`