/** * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/ */ import { UIPanel, UIRow, UIHorizontalRule } from './libs/ui.js'; import { AddObjectCommand } from './commands/AddObjectCommand.js'; import { RemoveObjectCommand } from './commands/RemoveObjectCommand.js'; import { MultiCmdsCommand } from './commands/MultiCmdsCommand.js'; import { SetMaterialValueCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialValueCommand.js'; var MenubarEdit = function ( editor ) { var strings = editor.strings; var container = new UIPanel(); container.setClass( 'menu' ); var title = new UIPanel(); title.setClass( 'title' ); title.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit' ) ); container.add( title ); var options = new UIPanel(); options.setClass( 'options' ); container.add( options ); // Undo var undo = new UIRow(); undo.setClass( 'option' ); undo.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/undo' ) ); undo.onClick( function () { editor.undo(); } ); options.add( undo ); // Redo var redo = new UIRow(); redo.setClass( 'option' ); redo.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/redo' ) ); redo.onClick( function () { editor.redo(); } ); options.add( redo ); // Clear History var option = new UIRow(); option.setClass( 'option' ); option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/clear_history' ) ); option.onClick( function () { if ( confirm( 'The Undo/Redo History will be cleared. Are you sure?' ) ) { editor.history.clear(); } } ); options.add( option ); editor.signals.historyChanged.add( function () { var history = editor.history; undo.setClass( 'option' ); redo.setClass( 'option' ); if ( history.undos.length == 0 ) { undo.setClass( 'inactive' ); } if ( history.redos.length == 0 ) { redo.setClass( 'inactive' ); } } ); // --- options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() ); // Clone var option = new UIRow(); option.setClass( 'option' ); option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/clone' ) ); option.onClick( function () { var object = editor.selected; if ( object.parent === null ) return; // avoid cloning the camera or scene object = object.clone(); editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, object ) ); } ); options.add( option ); // Delete var option = new UIRow(); option.setClass( 'option' ); option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/delete' ) ); option.onClick( function () { var object = editor.selected; var parent = object.parent; if ( parent === undefined ) return; // avoid deleting the camera or scene editor.execute( new RemoveObjectCommand( editor, object ) ); } ); options.add( option ); // Minify shaders var option = new UIRow(); option.setClass( 'option' ); option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/minify_shaders' ) ); option.onClick( function () { var root = editor.selected || editor.scene; var errors = []; var nMaterialsChanged = 0; var path = []; function getPath( object ) { path.length = 0; var parent = object.parent; if ( parent !== undefined ) getPath( parent ); path.push( object.name || object.uuid ); return path; } var cmds = []; root.traverse( function ( object ) { var material = object.material; if ( material.isShaderMaterial ) { try { var shader = glslprep.minifyGlsl( [ material.vertexShader, material.fragmentShader ] ); cmds.push( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, object, 'vertexShader', shader[ 0 ] ) ); cmds.push( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, object, 'fragmentShader', shader[ 1 ] ) ); ++ nMaterialsChanged; } catch ( e ) { var path = getPath( object ).join( "/" ); if ( e instanceof glslprep.SyntaxError ) errors.push( path + ":" + e.line + ":" + e.column + ": " + e.message ); else { errors.push( path + ": Unexpected error (see console for details)." ); console.error( e.stack || e ); } } } } ); if ( nMaterialsChanged > 0 ) { editor.execute( new MultiCmdsCommand( editor, cmds ), 'Minify Shaders' ); } window.alert( nMaterialsChanged + " material(s) were changed.\n" + errors.join( "\n" ) ); } ); options.add( option ); options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() ); // Set textures to sRGB. See #15903 var option = new UIRow(); option.setClass( 'option' ); option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/fixcolormaps' ) ); option.onClick( function () { editor.scene.traverse( fixColorMap ); } ); options.add( option ); var colorMaps = [ 'map', 'envMap', 'emissiveMap' ]; function fixColorMap( obj ) { var material = obj.material; if ( material !== undefined ) { if ( Array.isArray( material ) === true ) { for ( var i = 0; i < material.length; i ++ ) { fixMaterial( material[ i ] ); } } else { fixMaterial( material ); } editor.signals.sceneGraphChanged.dispatch(); } } function fixMaterial( material ) { var needsUpdate = material.needsUpdate; for ( var i = 0; i < colorMaps.length; i ++ ) { var map = material[ colorMaps[ i ] ]; if ( map ) { map.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; needsUpdate = true; } } material.needsUpdate = needsUpdate; } return container; }; export { MenubarEdit };