module.exports = class PhandalinTownGreen { constructor() { =; = "Phandalin Town Green"; this.description = "A lush green clearing, the {hint}grass{/hint} blowing in the warm summer breeze. The sun shines harshly on this shadeless hill, but the {hint}children{/hint} playing here do not seem to mind."; this.filename = "phandalin/towngreen.js"; this.type = "room"; this.items = []; this.mobiles = []; this.roomExpires = 0; this.resetDelay = 12000000; this.roomExits = ["south", "east"]; } mud_reset(time) { libs.Output.toRoom(, "A {hint}child{/hint} laughs as she plays with her friends."); this.roomExpires = time + this.resetDelay; } mud_tick(time) { if(time >= this.roomExpires) { this.mud_reset(time); } } look(room, mobile, input) { switch(input[0]) { case "grass": libs.Output.toMobile(, "The grass is bright green and full of tiny leaf-like {hint}insects{/hint}, hopping about."); return true; case "child": case "children": libs.Output.toMobile(, "A few children who live in the town play around you. Some are trying to catch {hint}insects{/hint} and others are chasing each other and screaming with joy."); return true; case "insect": case "grasshopper": case "insects": case "grasshoppers": libs.Output.toMobile(, "Tiny and leaf-shaped, the grasshoppers are an important staple of summer."); return true; } } south(room, mobile, input) { world.mud_moveMobile(,, "PhandalinRoad1"); return true; } east(room, mobile, input) { world.mud_moveMobile(,, "PhandalinTownSquare"); return true; } catch(room, mobile, input) { switch(input[0]) { case "bug": case "insect": case "leafhopper": case "grasshopper": libs.Output.toMobile(, "You spend a little time disturbing the grass with your hands, and manage to grab a leafhopper."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " flops around in the grass and stands up grinning.", mobile); var grasshopper = builder.mud_spawnItem("Leafhopper"); grasshopper.heldBy =; world.mud_addItemToMobile(,; return true; } } };