module.exports = class PhandalinGaraeleHouse { constructor() { =; = "Sister Garaele's Home"; this.description = "This small home is decorated with many trinkets of Tymora. There is a door to the south with a small {hint}table{/hint} next to it."; this.filename = "phandalin/garaelehouse.js"; this.type = "room"; this.items = []; this.mobiles = []; this.roomExits = []; this.roomExpires = 0; this.resetDelay = 12000000; this.roomExits = ["leave"]; this.homeIsOpen = true; this.homeIsLocked = false; } mud_reset(time) { libs.Output.toRoom(, "The house creaks."); this.roomExpires = time + this.resetDelay; } mud_tick(time) { if(time >= this.roomExpires) { this.mud_reset(time); } } look(room, mobile, input) { switch(input[0]) { case "table": libs.Output.toMobile(, "The small table has a few things on it but nothing of interest."); return true; } } leave(room, mobile, input) { if(this.homeIsLocked && !this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door out is closed and locked."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " tries to open the door but fails.", mobile); return true; } else if(!this.homeIsLocked && !this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is not open."); return true; } else if(!this.homeIsLocked && this.homeIsOpen) { world.mud_moveMobile(,, "PhandalinShrineLuck", "leaves", "leaves the house"); return true; } } south(room, mobile, input) { return this.leave(room, mobile, input); } unlock(room, mobile, input) { if(["door", "south"].indexOf(input[0]) != -1) { var hasKey = false; for(var i = 0; i < mobile.items.length; i++) { if(session.items[mobile.items[i]] == "UnassumingKey") { hasKey = true; } } if(this.homeIsLocked && !this.homeIsOpen && hasKey) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You unlock the door."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " unlocks the door.", mobile); this.homeIsLocked = false; return true; } else if(!this.homeIsLocked) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is already unlocked."); return true; } else if(!hasKey) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You don't have a key that fits."); return true; } } } open(room, mobile, input) { if(["door", "south"].indexOf(input[0]) != -1) { if(!this.homeIsOpen && !this.homeIsLocked) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You open the door."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " opens the door.", mobile); this.homeIsOpen = true; this.roomExits.push("leave"); return true; } else if(!this.homeIsOpen && this.homeIsLocked) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is locked."); return true; } else if(this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is already open."); return true; } } } lock(room, mobile, input) { if(["door", "south"].indexOf(input[0]) != -1) { var hasKey = false; for(var i = 0; i < mobile.items.length; i++) { if(session.items[mobile.items[i]] == "UnassumingKey") { hasKey = true; } } if(!this.homeIsLocked && !this.homeIsOpen && hasKey) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You lock the door."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " locks the door.", mobile); this.homeIsLocked = true; return true; } else if(!this.homeIsLocked && this.homeIsOpen && hasKey) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You close and lock the door."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " closes and locks the door.", mobile); this.homeIsLocked = true; this.homeIsOpen = false; this.roomExits.splice(this.roomExits.indexOf("leave"), 1); return true; } else if(this.homeIsLocked && !this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is already locked."); return true; } else if(!this.hasKey) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You don't have the key to this door."); return true; } } } close(room, mobile, input) { if(["door", "south"].indexOf(input[0]) != -1) { if(this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "You close the door."); libs.Output.toRoom(, + " closes the door.", mobile); this.homeIsOpen = false; this.roomExits.splice(this.roomExits.indexOf("leave"), 1); return true; } else if(!this.homeIsOpen) { libs.Output.toMobile(, "The door is already closed."); return true; } } } };