import AsyncLoader from 'Assets/Library/AsyncLoader'; import * as RE from 'rogue-engine'; import * as THREE from 'three' import CannonBody from '../../rogue_packages/rogue-cannon/Components/' export default class Game extends RE.Component { loader = new AsyncLoader() @RE.Prop("Prefab") asteroid // @RE.Prop("Prefab") player start() { console.log("calling start", new Date().getTime()) const expectedComponents = [ "top-left", "top-middle", "top-right", "left-side", "right-side", "bottom-left", "bottom-middle", "bottom-right", ] this.loader.loadStaticText("space_hud.html").then(html => { // RE.Runtime.uiContainer.innerHTML = html expectedComponents.forEach(componentId => { let component = document.getElementById(componentId) let setupFunctionName = this.formatComponentName(componentId) if(this[setupFunctionName]) { //this[setupFunctionName](component) } }) }, error => RE.Debug.logError(error)) RE.Runtime.rogueDOMContainer.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => { event.preventDefault() }) window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize.bind(this)) let field = RE.App.currentScene.getObjectByName("asteroidField") this.loader.loadStaticText("Data/level1.json").then(levelstring => { this.asteroids = [] let objectData = JSON.parse(levelstring) for(let i = 0; i < objectData.length; i++) { let obj = objectData[i] if(obj[0] == "asteroid") { let asteroid = this.asteroid.instantiate(field) asteroid.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3(obj[1] ,1, obj[2])) asteroid.rotation.set(Math.PI * Math.random(), Math.PI * Math.random(), Math.PI * Math.random()) // let size = (obj[1] % 3) + 1 // asteroid.scale.set(size, size, size) // let body = RE.getComponent(CannonBody, asteroid).body // console.log(body) // setTimeout(() => { // body.shapes[0].radius = size / 2 // body.mass = size // body.shapes[0].computeBoundingSphereRadius(); // body.computeAABB(); // body.updateMassProperties(); // },0) // setTimeout(() => { // body.mass = size 10 // let bodyShape = body.shapes[0] // body.removeShape(bodyShape) // bodyShape.updateBoundingSphereRadius(size / 2) // body.addShape(bodyShape) // bodyShape.updateConvexPolyhedronRepresentation(); // bodyShape.computeBoundingSphereRadius(); // body.computeAABB(); // body.updateMassProperties(); // }, 0) // body.body.shapes[0].boundingSphereRadius = size / 2 // body.body.mass = size } } }, error => RE.Debug.logError(error)) //random asteroids // let field = RE.App.currentScene.getObjectByName("asteroidField") // this.asteroids = [] // for(let i = 0; i < 300; i++) { // let asteroid = this.asteroid.instantiate(field) // asteroid.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(500 * Math.random() - 250) ,1 , Math.floor(500 * Math.random() - 250))) // } // let field = RE.App.currentScene.getObjectByName("asteroidField") // let objectData = levelData // for(let i = 0; i < objectData.length; i++) { // let obj = objectData[i] // if(obj[0] == "asteroid") { // let asteroid = this.asteroid.instantiate(field) // asteroid.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3(obj[1] ,1 , obj[2])) // } // } // this.player.instantiate() } onResize(event) { } formatComponentName(componentId) { return `setup` + componentId.split('-').map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join('') } setupTopMiddle(element) { this.armorInfo = document.createElement('div') this.armorInfo.className = "header-info" this.armorInfo.innerHTML = "Armor: 50" element.appendChild(this.armorInfo) this.shieldsInfo = document.createElement('div') this.shieldsInfo.className = "header-info" this.shieldsInfo.innerHTML = "Shields: 100" element.appendChild(this.shieldsInfo) this.moneyInfo = document.createElement('div') this.moneyInfo.className = "header-info" this.moneyInfo.innerHTML = "₩: 140,000" element.appendChild(this.moneyInfo) } setupBottomLeft(element) { let info = document.createElement('div') info.innerHTML = "Mission: Retrieve the lost crystal alloy from the nearby asteroid field" element.appendChild(info) } setupBottomRight(element) { let minimap = document.createElement('canvas') minimap.width = Math.max(element.offsetWidth, 160) minimap.height = Math.max(element.offsetHeight, 160) let ctx = minimap.getContext('2d') ctx.strokeStyle = `rgba(40, 240, 40, 0.8)` ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2, Math.min(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2), 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2, Math.min(3 *minimap.width / 8, 3 * minimap.height / 8), 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2, Math.min(1 *minimap.width / 4, 1 * minimap.height / 4), 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2, Math.min(1 * minimap.width / 8, 1 * minimap.height / 8), 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2) ctx.lineTo(2 * Math.min(minimap.width / 2, minimap.height / 2), minimap.height / 2) ctx.stroke() element.appendChild(minimap) } } RE.registerComponent(Game);