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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>Impact Game</title>
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  6. html,body {
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  27. function getParameterByName(name, url) {
  28. if (!url) url = window.location.href;
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  34. return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
  35. }
  36. var gameToPlay = getParameterByName("game") || "lights";
  37. var sampleGames = {
  38. memory: {
  39. id: "1",
  40. folderName: "memory",
  41. includePath: "memory",
  42. displayName: "Memory Level 3",
  43. backgroundColor: "#8577B3",
  44. backgroundHighlightColor: "#9688C4",
  45. complementColor: "#43B6CF",
  46. complementHighlightColor: "#54C7DF",
  47. gameIcon: "common/spr-icons-categories-lg.png",
  48. gameIconIndex: 2
  49. },
  50. missingpiece: {
  51. id: "2",
  52. folderName: "missingpiece",
  53. includePath: "missingpiece",
  54. displayName: "Missing Piece Level 1",
  55. backgroundColor: "#55AAAA",
  56. backgroundHighlightColor: "#66BBBB",
  57. complementColor: "#228888",
  58. complementHighlightColor: "#339999",
  59. gameIcon: "common/spr-icons-categories-lg.png",
  60. gameIconIndex: 8
  61. },
  62. swarm: {
  63. id: "3",
  64. folderName: "swarm",
  65. includePath: "swarm",
  66. displayName: "Swarm Level 2",
  67. backgroundColor: "#42AC71",
  68. backgroundHighlightColor: "#53BD82",
  69. complementColor: "#315B43",
  70. complementHighlightColor: "#426C54",
  71. gameIcon: "common/spr-icons-categories-lg.png",
  72. gameIconIndex: 11
  73. },
  74. lights: {
  75. id: 4,
  76. folderName: "lights",
  77. includePath: "lights",
  78. displayName: "Lights Level 2",
  79. backgroundColor: "#26455C",
  80. backgroundHighlightColor: "#37566D",
  81. complementColor: "#73E9FF",
  82. complementHighlightColor: "#84F1FF",
  83. gameIcon: "common/spr-icons-categories-lg.png",
  84. gameIconIndex: 5
  85. }
  86. };
  87. var pmGameData = sampleGames[gameToPlay];
  88. pmGameData.assetPath = "./";
  89. pmGameData.start = function() {};
  90. pmGameData.finish = function() {};
  91. var script = document.createElement('script');
  92. script.onload = function () {
  93. //do stuff with the script
  94. };
  95. script.src = "./"+gameToPlay+"/game-baked.js";
  96. document.head.appendChild(script);
  97. </script>
  98. </body>
  99. </html>