database = new Database(); } public function getPostsInUserTopics($page = 0) { $user = new User(); $user->populate(); $userId = $user->getId(); if ($userId) { $view = new View(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.post_id, u.user_id, p.timestamp, as post_name, p.url_name as post_url_name, p.content, u.username, u.display_name as user_display_name, t.topic_id, t.display_name as topic_display_name FROM posts p JOIN post_topic_associations a ON p.post_id = a.post_id JOIN users u ON p.poster_user_id = u.user_id JOIN topics t on t.topic_id = a.topic_id WHERE a.topic_id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM user_topic_subscription WHERE user_id = '%s') OR a.topic_id IN (SELECT subtopic_id FROM topic_topic_associations WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM user_topic_subscription WHERE user_id = '%s')) ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %s, %s", $userId, $userId, $page * PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE, PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE); $posts = $this->database->query($sql); $posts = $this->addCommentCount($posts); $posts = $this->addPostDifferent($posts, $userId); $postViewData = array( "posts" => $posts ); return $view->render("", $postViewData); } return $this->getPostsInDefaultTopics($page); } public function getPostsInDefaultTopics($page = 0) { $view = new View(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.post_id, u.user_id, p.timestamp, as post_name, p.url_name as post_url_name, p.content, u.username, u.display_name as user_display_name, t.topic_id, t.display_name as topic_display_name FROM posts p JOIN post_topic_associations a ON p.post_id = a.post_id JOIN users u ON p.poster_user_id = u.user_id JOIN topics t on t.topic_id = a.topic_id WHERE a.topic_id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM default_topics) OR a.topic_id IN (SELECT subtopic_id FROM topic_topic_associations WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM default_topics)) ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %s, %s", $page * PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE, PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE); $posts = $this->database->query($sql); $posts = $this->addCommentCount($posts); $postViewData = array( "posts" => $posts ); return $view->render("", $postViewData); } private function addCommentCount($posts) { foreach ($posts as $index => $post) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT count(*) AS comment_count FROM comment_post_associations WHERE post_id = '%s'", $post['post_id']); $countResult = $this->database->query($sql); $count = $countResult[0]['comment_count']; $posts[$index]['comment_count'] = $count; } return $posts; } private function addPostDifferent($posts, $userId) { foreach ($posts as $index => $post) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT 1 FROM post_last_updated plu JOIN user_post_viewed upv ON plu.post_id = upv.post_id WHERE plu.post_id = %s AND upv.user_id = %s AND plu.last_updated > upv.last_viewed", $post['post_id'], $userId); $timeData = $this->database->query($sql); $newContent = false; if (count($timeData) > 0) { $newContent = true; } $posts[$index]['new_content'] = $newContent; } return $posts; } public function getPostsInTopic($topicId, $page = 0) { $view = new View(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.post_id, u.user_id, p.timestamp, as post_name, p.url_name as post_url_name, p.content, t.topic_id, u.username, u.display_name as user_display_name, t.display_name as topic_display_name, t.url_name as topic_url_name FROM posts p JOIN post_topic_associations a ON p.post_id = a.post_id JOIN users u ON p.poster_user_id = u.user_id JOIN topics t ON a.topic_id = t.topic_id WHERE a.topic_id = '%s' OR a.topic_id IN (SELECT subtopic_id FROM topic_topic_associations WHERE topic_id = '%s') ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %s, %s", $topicId, $topicId, $page * PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE, PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE); $posts = $this->database->query($sql); $posts = $this->addCommentCount($posts); $user = new User(); $user->populate(); $userId = $user->getId(); if ($userId) { $posts = $this->addPostDifferent($posts, $userId); } $postViewData = array( "posts" => $posts ); return $view->render("", $postViewData); } public function getPostsByUser($userId, $page = 0) { $view = new View(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.post_id, u.user_id, p.timestamp, as post_name, p.url_name as post_url_name, p.content, u.username, u.display_name as user_display_name, t.topic_id, t.display_name as topic_display_name FROM posts p JOIN post_topic_associations a ON p.post_id = a.post_id JOIN users u ON p.poster_user_id = u.user_id JOIN topics t on t.topic_id = a.topic_id WHERE p.poster_user_id = '%s' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %s, %s", $userId, $page * PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE, PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE); $posts = $this->database->query($sql); $posts = $this->addCommentCount($posts); $post = $this->addPostDifferent($posts, $userId); $postViewData = array( "posts" => $posts ); return $view->render("", $postViewData); } public function getPostedTaggedIn($userId, $page = 0) { $view = new View(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT p.post_id, u.user_id, p.timestamp, as post_name, p.url_name as post_url_name, p.content, u.username, u.display_name as user_display_name, t.topic_id, t.display_name as topic_display_name FROM posts p JOIN post_topic_associations a ON p.post_id = a.post_id JOIN post_tags pt ON pt.post_id = p.post_id JOIN user_tags ut ON ut.tag_id = pt.tag_id JOIN users u ON ut.user_id = u.user_id JOIN topics t on t.topic_id = a.topic_id WHERE ut.user_id = '%s' ORDER BY ut.tagged_on DESC LIMIT %s, %s", $userId, $page * PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE, PostRenderer::PAGE_SIZE); $posts = $this->database->query($sql); $posts = $this->addCommentCount($posts); $post = $this->addPostDifferent($posts, $userId); $postViewData = array( "posts" => $posts ); return $view->render("", $postViewData); } }