import { Camera } from "../../libraries/Camera.js" import { Point } from "../../libraries/spatial/Point.js" import { Theme } from "../../libraries/components/Theme.js" import { Easing, TweenManager, Tween } from "../../libraries/Tween.js" import { Picture } from "../../libraries/CanvasArtist.js" import { Save } from "../../libraries/Save.js" import "../../libraries/RoundRectPolyfill.js" export class DigState { constructor(view) { this.stateMachine = view.stateMachine = new Camera() = new Point(1, 1) this.time = 0 this.skyColor = [{ r: 14, g: 85, b: 119 }, { r: 6, g: 12, b: 39 }, { r: 6, g: 12, b: 39 }, { r: 6, g: 12, b: 39 }, { r: 36, g: 41, b: 67 }, { r: 228, g: 166, b: 70 }] this.lightOffset = 0 this.playerPosition = new Point(0, 0) = 8 this.touchStart = new Point(0, 0) this.touchEnd = new Point(0, 0) this.touchDuration = 0 this.level = [] this.levelSize = { width: 20, height: 10, bones: 12, skulls: 3, time: 24000 } this.actions = [] this.hasMoved = false this.tweenManager = new TweenManager() = new Save() } init(scaledCanvas) { this.canvasBounds = scaledCanvas.bounds } enter() { this.registeredEvents = {} this.registeredEvents["resize"] = this.onResize.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["keydown"] = this.onKeyDown.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["keyup"] = this.onKeyUp.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["mousedown"] = this.onMouseDown.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["mousemove"] = this.onMouseMove.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["mouseup"] = this.onMouseUp.bind(this) for (let index in this.registeredEvents) { window.addEventListener(index, this.registeredEvents[index]) } this.time = 0 this.lightOffset = 0 this.level = this.generateLevel() this.playerPosition.y = 1 this.playerPosition.x = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 this.level.find(tile => tile[0] == this.playerPosition.x && tile[1] == this.playerPosition.y)[3] = 0 this.completePosition = new Point(0, -1000) this.completeText = "Daybreak!" this.isComplete = false this.digStrength = 1 if ("shovel-1") == true) { this.digStrength = 1.5 } if ("shovel-2")) { this.digStrength = 2 } if ("shovel-3")) { this.digStrength = 3 } this.stones = [] for(let i = 0; i < this.levelSize.width / 5; i++) { this.stones.push(Math.floor(this.levelSize.width * Math.random())) } this.actions = [] } leave() { for (let index in this.registeredEvents) { window.removeEventListener(index, this.registeredEvents[index]) } } draw(ctx, scaledCanvas) { this.canvasBounds = scaledCanvas.bounds ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.dirtbrown ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasBounds.width, this.canvasBounds.height), scaledCanvas, () => { ctx.fillStyle = this.computeSkyColor() ctx.fillRect( -this.levelSize.width * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) * 2, (-this.canvasBounds.height / 2) - ((Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) / 2), this.levelSize.width * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) * 6, this.canvasBounds.height / 2) ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.dirtbrown ctx.fillRect(-this.canvasBounds.width, 0, this.levelSize.width * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) * 4, this.canvasBounds.height / 2) this.stones.forEach((stone) => { ctx.translate(stone * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) - (Theme.Game.TileSize.width +Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) / 2, -1.35 * (Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing)) Picture.Tombstone(ctx,{width: Theme.Game.TileSize.width, height: Theme.Game.TileSize.height}) ctx.restore() }) // // ctx.translate(this.stone * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) + (Theme.Game.TileSize.width +Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) / 2, -1.35 * (Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing)) // Picture.Tombstone(ctx,{width: Theme.Game.TileSize.width, height: Theme.Game.TileSize.height}) // ctx.restore() ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.grassgreen ctx.roundRect(-this.levelSize.width * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) * 2, - ((Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) / 2), this.levelSize.width * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) * 6, 10, 8) ctx.fill() for (let i = 0; i < this.level.length; i++) { let data = this.level[i] this.drawTile(ctx, data) } this.drawPlayer(ctx) }) ctx.strokeStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(2, 2, this.canvasBounds.width - 4, 8) ctx.stroke() ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(0, 2, (this.canvasBounds.width - 4) * (this.time / (this.levelSize.time - (this.levelSize.time / this.skyColor.length))), 8) ctx.fill() let fontScale = this.canvasBounds.width / 500 let inventorySpacing = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfGatheredSkulls(); i++) { ctx.scale(0.4, 0.4) ctx.translate(16 + (i * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) + (Theme.Game.TileSize.width / 2)), 32 + (Theme.Game.TileSize.height / 2)) Picture.Skull(ctx, { width: Theme.Game.TileSize.width, height: Theme.Game.TileSize.height }) ctx.restore() inventorySpacing++ } for (let i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfGatheredBones(); i++) { ctx.scale(0.4, 0.4) ctx.translate(16 + ((i + inventorySpacing) * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing)), 32) Picture.Bone(ctx, { width: Theme.Game.TileSize.width, height: Theme.Game.TileSize.height }) ctx.restore() } ctx.font = `${Math.min(Math.floor(48 * fontScale), 48)}px ${Theme.Fonts.Header}` ctx.textAlign = "center" let metrics = ctx.measureText(this.completeText) ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.umber ctx.translate(this.canvasBounds.width / 2, this.canvasBounds.height / 2) ctx.beginPath() ctx.roundRect(this.completePosition.x - (metrics.width + 64) / 2, this.completePosition.y - Math.min(Math.floor(48 * fontScale), 48) - 16, metrics.width + 64, Math.min(Math.floor(64 * fontScale), 64) + 32, 8) ctx.fill() ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.fillText(this.completeText, this.completePosition.x, this.completePosition.y) ctx.restore() } drawPlayer(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.translate(this.playerPosition.x * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing), this.playerPosition.y * (Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing)) Picture.DigPlayer(ctx, {}) ctx.restore() } computeSkyColor() { let ratio = (this.time / (this.levelSize.time / this.skyColor.length)) - this.lightOffset let r = ratio * (this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 1].r - this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].r) + this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].r let g = ratio * (this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 1].g - this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].g) + this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].g let b = ratio * (this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 1].b - this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].b) + this.skyColor[this.lightOffset + 0].b return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})` } drawTile(ctx, tileData) { let width = Theme.Game.TileSize.width; let height = Theme.Game.TileSize.height; let spacing = Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing let x = tileData[0] let y = tileData[1] let type = tileData[2] let health = tileData[3] let maxHealth = tileData[4] ctx.translate(x * width - (width / 2) + (x * spacing), y * height - (height / 2) + (y * spacing)) if (health == 0) { ctx.fillStyle = "black" ctx.roundRect(-2, -2, width + 2, height + 2, 10) ctx.fill() ctx.restore() return } switch (type) { case "dirt": Picture.DirtBlock(ctx, { width, height }) break; case "grass": Picture.GrassBlock(ctx, { width, height }) break case "dirt-bones": Picture.DirtBoneBlock(ctx, { width, height }) break case "dirt-skull": Picture.DirtSkullBlock(ctx, { width, height }) break case "dirt-diamond": Picture.DirtDiamondBlock(ctx, { width, height }) break } if (health < maxHealth) { ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.strokeStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.lineWidth = 2 ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(4, height / 8, width - 8, 6) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(4, height / 8, width * (health / maxHealth) - 8, 6) ctx.fill() } ctx.restore() } update(delta) { if (!this.isComplete) { if (this.time >= this.levelSize.time - (this.levelSize.time / this.skyColor.length)) { this.isComplete = true this.completeText = "Daybreak!" this.tweenManager.add(new Tween(this.completePosition, { y: 0 }, 2000, Easing.Elastic.EaseOut, () => { this.sceneComplete() })) } else { this.time += delta this.lightOffset = Math.min(this.skyColor.length - 2, Math.floor(this.time / (this.levelSize.time / this.skyColor.length))) } if (this.actions.length > 0) { let nextAction = this.actions.shift() switch (nextAction) { case "up": this.digOrMoveY(-1) break; case "down": this.digOrMoveY(1) break case "left": this.digOrMoveX(-1) break case "right": this.digOrMoveX(1) break; } } if ( > 0 && this.getNumberOfGatheredDiamonds() == { this.isComplete = true this.completeText = "Success!" this.tweenManager.add(new Tween(this.completePosition, { y: 0 }, 2000, Easing.Elastic.EaseOut, () => { this.sceneComplete() })) } if (this.getNumberOfGatheredBones() == this.levelSize.bones && this.getNumberOfGatheredSkulls() == this.levelSize.skulls) { this.isComplete = true this.completeText = "Looted!" this.tweenManager.add(new Tween(this.completePosition, { y: 0 }, 2000, Easing.Elastic.EaseOut, () => { this.sceneComplete() })) } } this.tweenManager.update() } sceneComplete() {"bones", this.getNumberOfGatheredBones())"skulls", this.getNumberOfGatheredSkulls())"diamonds", this.getNumberOfGatheredDiamonds()) if ("diamonds") > 0) { this.stateMachine.transitionTo("credits") } else { this.stateMachine.transitionTo("shop") } } getNumberOfGatheredBones() { return this.level.filter(tile => tile[2] == "dirt-bones" && tile[3] == 0).length } getNumberOfGatheredSkulls() { return this.level.filter(tile => tile[2] == "dirt-skull" && tile[3] == 0).length } getNumberOfGatheredDiamonds() { return this.level.filter(tile => tile[2] == "dirt-diamond" && tile[3] == 0).length } moveX(direction) { let playerSpeed = Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing this.playerPosition.x += direction if (this.playerPosition.x < 0) { this.playerPosition.x = 0 } if (this.playerPosition.x >= (this.levelSize.width - 1)) { this.playerPosition.x = (this.levelSize.width - 1) } if (this.playerPosition.x * playerSpeed > + this.canvasBounds.width / 4) { += playerSpeed * direction } if (this.playerPosition.x * playerSpeed < + -this.canvasBounds.width / 4) { += playerSpeed * direction } } digOrMoveX(direction) { let nextTilePosition = { x: this.playerPosition.x + direction, y: this.playerPosition.y } let nextTile = this.level.find((tile) => tile[0] == nextTilePosition.x && tile[1] == nextTilePosition.y) if (!nextTile) { return } if (nextTile[3] > 0) { nextTile[3] = Math.max(0, nextTile[3] - this.digStrength) if(nextTile[3] == 0) { this.playSound(this.digSound2) if(!["dirt", "grass"].includes(nextTile[2])) { this.playSound(this.gatherSound) } } } if (nextTile[3] <= 0) { this.moveX(direction) } } moveY(direction) { let playerSpeed = Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing this.playerPosition.y += direction if (this.playerPosition.y < 0) { this.playerPosition.y = 0 } if (this.playerPosition.y >= (this.levelSize.height - 1)) { this.playerPosition.y = (this.levelSize.height - 1) } if (this.playerPosition.y * playerSpeed > + this.canvasBounds.height / 4) { += playerSpeed * direction } if (this.playerPosition.y * playerSpeed < + -this.canvasBounds.height / 4) { += playerSpeed * direction } } digOrMoveY(direction) { let nextTilePosition = { x: this.playerPosition.x, y: this.playerPosition.y + direction } let nextTile = this.level.find((tile) => tile[0] == nextTilePosition.x && tile[1] == nextTilePosition.y) if (!nextTile) { return } if (nextTile[3] > 0) { nextTile[3] = Math.max(0, nextTile[3] - this.digStrength) if(nextTile[3] == 0) { this.playSound(this.digSound2) if(!["dirt", "grass"].includes(nextTile[2])) { this.playSound(this.gatherSound) } } } if (nextTile[3] <= 0) { this.moveY(direction) } } generateLevel() { this.levelSize = { width: 10, height: 6, bones: 8, skulls: 1, diamonds: 0, time: 24000 } if ("graveyard-1")) { this.levelSize = { width: 20, height: 10, bones: 12, skulls: 3, diamonds: 0, time: 24000 } } if ("graveyard-2")) { this.levelSize = { width: 40, height: 15, bones: 24, skulls: 8, diamonds: 0, time: 24000 } } if ("graveyard-3")) { this.levelSize = { width: 20, height: 50, bones: 36, skulls: 16, diamonds: 1, time: 24000 } } let levelArray = [] for (let y = 0; y < this.levelSize.height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < this.levelSize.width; x++) { if (y == 0) { levelArray.push([x, y, "grass", 4, 4]) } else { levelArray.push([x, y, "dirt", 3, 3]) } } } if("bone-3")) { this.levelSize.bones = Math.ceil(2 * this.levelSize.bones) this.levelSize.skulls = Math.ceil(2 * this.levelSize.skulls) } else if("bone-2")) { this.levelSize.bones = Math.ceil(1.5 * this.levelSize.bones) this.levelSize.skulls = Math.ceil(1.5 * this.levelSize.skulls) } else if("bone-1")) { this.levelSize.bones = Math.ceil(1.2 * this.levelSize.bones) this.levelSize.skulls = Math.ceil(1.2 * this.levelSize.skulls) } for (let i = 0; i < this.levelSize.bones; i++) { let randomTile = this.getRandomIndex(levelArray, (tile) => tile[1] != 0 && tile[2] != "dirt-bones") randomTile[2] = "dirt-bones" randomTile[3] = 4 randomTile[4] = 4 } for (let i = 0; i < this.levelSize.skulls; i++) { let randomTile = this.getRandomIndex(levelArray, (tile) => tile[1] != 0 && tile[2] != "dirt-bones" && tile[2] != "dirt-skull") randomTile[2] = "dirt-skull" randomTile[3] = 8 randomTile[4] = 8 } for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let randomTile = this.getRandomIndex(levelArray, (tile) => tile[1] != 0 && tile[2] != "dirt-bones" && tile[2] != "dirt-skull" && tile[2] != "dirt-diamond") randomTile[2] = "dirt-diamond" randomTile[3] = 16 randomTile[4] = 16 } return levelArray } getRandomIndex(array, condition) { let item = array[Math.floor(array.length * Math.random())] let timeout = 10 while (!condition(item)) { timeout-- if (timeout <= 0) { throw new Error("unable to get item that meets conditions") } item = array[Math.floor(array.length * Math.random())] } return item } onResize() { = this.playerPosition.x * (Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) = this.playerPosition.y * (Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) } onKeyDown(event) { if (this.hasMoved) { return } let keys = [] keys[event.code] = true if ((keys["KeyW"] || keys["ArrowUp"] || keys["KeyZ"])) { this.actions.push("up") this.hasMoved = true } if (keys["KeyS"] || keys["ArrowDown"]) { this.actions.push("down") this.hasMoved = true } if (keys["KeyA"] || keys["ArrowLeft"] || keys["KeyQ"]) { this.actions.push("left") this.hasMoved = true } if (keys["KeyD"] || keys["ArrowRight"]) { this.actions.push("right") this.hasMoved = true } // if(keys["Digit1"]) { // this.stateMachine.transitionTo("shop") // } // if(keys["Digit2"]) { // this.stateMachine.transitionTo("upgrade") // } // if(keys["Digit3"]) { // this.stateMachine.transitionTo("credits") // } } onKeyUp(event) { this.hasMoved = false } onMouseDown(event) { if (this.hasMoved) { return } this.hasMoved = true let delta = Point(event.clientX, event.clientY)).difference( new Point() .clone(this.playerPosition) .scale(Theme.Game.TileSize.width + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing, Theme.Game.TileSize.height + Theme.Game.TileSize.spacing) ) if (Math.abs(delta.x) > Math.abs(delta.y)) { let direction = Math.sign(delta.x) if (direction > 0) { this.actions.push("right") } else { this.actions.push("left") } } else { let direction = Math.sign(delta.y) if (direction > 0) { this.actions.push("down") } else { this.actions.push("up") } } } onMouseMove(event) { } onMouseUp(event) { this.hasMoved = false } digSound1(i, t) { var n = 5e3; if (i > n) return null; return ((Math.pow(i + Math.sin(i * 0.01) * 1000, 0.25) & 200) ? 1 : -1) * Math.pow(t(i, n), 1); } digSound2(i, t) { var n = 5e3; if (i > n) return null; return (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * t(i, n); } gatherSound(i, t) { var n=1.6e4; var c=n/7; if (i > n) return null; var q=Math.pow(t(i,n),2.1); return (i (n - i) / n, A = new AudioContext(), m = A.createBuffer(1, 96e3, 48e3), b = m.getChannelData(0) for (let i = 96e3; i--;)b[i] = soundFunction(i, t) let s = A.createBufferSource() s.buffer = m s.connect(A.destination) s.start() } }