import { Camera } from "../../libraries/Camera.js" import { Point } from "../../libraries/spatial/Point.js" import { TweenManager} from "../../libraries/Tween.js" import { DomButton } from "../../libraries/components/DomButton.js" import { Theme } from "../../libraries/components/Theme.js" import { Save } from "../../libraries/Save.js" import { Picture } from "../../libraries/CanvasArtist.js" export class MainMenuState { constructor(view) { this.stateMachine = view.stateMachine this.canvasBounds = null = new Camera() = new Point(1, 1) this.tweenManager = new TweenManager() this.registeredEvents = {} this.playerPosition = new Point(0, 0) this.playButton = new DomButton(50, 50, view.element, "begin") this.wasChanged = false = new Save() this.deleteSaveButton = new DomButton( 50, 50, view.element, "delete save", "skipbutton" ) } init(scaledCanvas) { this.canvasBounds = scaledCanvas.bounds } draw(ctx, scaledCanvas) { let fontScale = this.canvasBounds.width / 500 ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.font = `600 ${Math.min(Math.floor(48 * fontScale), 48)}px ${Theme.Fonts.Header}` ctx.textAlign = "center", scaledCanvas, () => { ctx.translate(0, -150) this.drawCameo(ctx) ctx.restore() ctx.fillText("Merchant", 0, -40) ctx.fillText("🔸 of 🔸", 0, 0) ctx.fillText("DEATH", 0, 40) }) this.playButton.setPosition( this.canvasBounds.width * (2 / 4), this.canvasBounds.height * (3 / 4) ) this.playButton.draw(ctx, scaledCanvas) this.deleteSaveButton.setPosition( this.canvasBounds.width * (2 / 4), this.canvasBounds.height * (3 / 4) + 100 ) this.deleteSaveButton.draw(ctx, scaledCanvas) // this.muteButton.setPosition(this.canvasBounds.width * (3 / 4), this.canvasBounds.height * (1 / 8)) // this.muteButton.draw(ctx, scaledCanvas) } drawPlayer(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(-10, -8, 8, Math.PI, (3 * Math.PI) / 2) ctx.lineTo(10, -16) ctx.arc(10, -8, 8, (3 * Math.PI) / 2, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.lineTo(24, 28) ctx.lineTo(-24, 28) ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() } drawDashHead(ctx) { ctx.translate(0, -16) ctx.scale(0.7, 0.7) Picture.DashHead(ctx, {}) ctx.restore() } drawCameo(ctx) { Picture.Cameo(ctx, {width: 128}) } update(delta) { this.playButton.update(delta) this.deleteSaveButton.update(delta) // this.muteButton.update(delta) = 8 * Math.sin(new Date().getTime() / 500) this.tweenManager.update() } enter() { this.registeredEvents["resize"] = this.onResize.bind(this) this.registeredEvents["keyup"] = this.onKeyUp.bind(this) for (let index in this.registeredEvents) { window.addEventListener(index, this.registeredEvents[index]) } this.playButton.attach() this.playButton.onClick(this.goToGame.bind(this)) this.deleteSaveButton.attach() this.deleteSaveButton.onClick(this.deleteSave.bind(this)) // this.muteButton.attach() // this.muteButton.onClick(this.mute.bind(this)) } leave() { for (let index in this.registeredEvents) { window.removeEventListener(index, this.registeredEvents[index]) } this.registeredEvents = {} this.tweenManager.clear() this.playButton.remove() this.deleteSaveButton.remove() // this.muteButton.remove() } onResize() { } onKeyUp(event) { switch (event.code) { case "Enter": this.goToGame() break } } goToGame() { this.stateMachine.transitionTo("storyupdate") // this.stateMachine.transitionTo("shop") } deleteSave() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete your save data?")) { alert("Save data deleted") } } mute() { console.log("mute") } }