import { Picture } from "./CanvasArtist.js" import { Theme } from "./components/Theme.js" import { Point } from "./spatial/Point.js" import TextWrapper from "./TextWrapper.js" import "./ShufflePolyfill.js" export default class ShopCard { constructor() { this.textWrapper = new TextWrapper() this.init() } init() { this.generateRequest() } generateRequest() { this.availableItems = ["bones", "skulls", "bones", "bones", "bones"] this.item = this.availableItems.shuffle().pop() switch(this.item) { case "bones": this.generateBonesRequest() break case "skulls": this.generateSkullsRequest() break; } } generateBonesRequest() { this.amount = Math.floor(4 * Math.random()) + 3 this.rate = Math.floor((500 * Math.random() + 100)/100) let options =[ `I need ${this.amount} bones so I can bury them for my family. My family loves bones!`, `Do you think I could get ${this.amount} bones?`, `I only need ${this.amount}; do you have any extra bones I can have?`, `I really need some fresh bones! I need ${this.amount} immediately!` ] this.message = options.shuffle()[0] let availableCustomers = [Picture.DogHead1, Picture.DogHead2] this.customerPicture = availableCustomers.shuffle().pop() } generateSkullsRequest() { this.amount = Math.floor(4 * Math.random()) + 1 this.rate = Math.floor((5000 * Math.random() + 1000)/100) let options =[ `Did you see those skulls? I must get my hands on ${this.amount} of them!`, `I only wish for ${this.amount} skulls.`, `Do you take cash? I heard you have ${this.amount} skulls for sale...`, `Skulls are tres chique right now. Give me ${this.amount} immediately!` ] this.message = options.shuffle()[0] let availableCustomers = [Picture.DogHead1, Picture.DogHead2] this.customerPicture = availableCustomers.shuffle().pop() } update(delta, canvasBounds) { this.canvasBounds = canvasBounds this.cardHeight = Math.max(this.canvasBounds.height / 6, 100) this.fontScale = this.canvasBounds.width / 500 this.screenWidth = this.canvasBounds.width } draw(ctx, options) { let textFontSize = Math.min(Math.floor(24 * this.fontScale), 24) ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.lineWidth = 1 ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.umber ctx.beginPath() ctx.roundRect(8, 0, this.screenWidth - 16, this.cardHeight, 8) ctx.fill() ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.seagreen if(this.hovered) { ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory } ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(this.screenWidth - (16 + this.cardHeight / 4), 2 * this.cardHeight / 4, this.cardHeight / 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.fill() ctx.font = `${textFontSize}px ${Theme.Fonts.Header}` ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory if(this.hovered) { ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.seagreen } ctx.fillText(`$${this.amount * this.rate}`, this.screenWidth - (16 + this.cardHeight / 4), 2 * (this.cardHeight / 4) + textFontSize / 4) ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.umber ctx.beginPath() ctx.roundRect(16, 8, 9 * this.cardHeight / 12, this.cardHeight - 16, 8) ctx.fill() ctx.translate(16 + (9 * this.cardHeight / 12) / 2, ((this.cardHeight - 16) / 2)) this.customerPicture(ctx, {}) ctx.restore() ctx.fillStyle = Theme.Colors.ivory ctx.font = `${textFontSize}px ${Theme.Fonts.Header}` ctx.textAlign = "left" ctx.translate(32 + (9 * this.cardHeight / 12), 8 + textFontSize) this.textWrapper.draw(ctx, this.message, { width: this.screenWidth - (16 + this.cardHeight / 4) - 32 - (9 * this.cardHeight / 12) }) ctx.restore() } mouseMove(event, cardOffset) { let mousePoint = new Point( event.clientX, event.clientY, ) this.hovered = false if(mousePoint.distanceTo(new Point(this.screenWidth - (16 + this.cardHeight / 4), (2 * this.cardHeight / 4) + cardOffset)) < this.cardHeight / 4) { this.hovered = true = "pointer" } } onClick(handle) { if(this.hovered) { handle(this.item, this.rate, this.amount) } } }