class OverworldScene { constructor() { = {}; this.area = {}; this.player = {}; this.rails = []; = []; this.script = []; this.fadeAmount = 0; } init() { loadGame(); = { x: 0, y: 0, center: { x: 0, y: 0 }, movementSpeed: 3 }; this.area = { width: 2560, height: 2560, }; var railData = [ { unlocks: { isVisible: 0, isActivated: 0, isDamaged: 9, }, path: [ // { x: 768, y: 1024, node: 10 }, { x: 896, y: 1024, node: 10, enter: 0 }, { x: 1024, y: 1024 }, { x: 1152, y: 1152 }, { x: 1280, y: 1152, node: 10, down: { width: 3, height: 3, successRail: 1, successNode: 0 }, enter: 1 }, { x: 1408, y: 1024 }, { x: 1536, y: 1024, node: 10 }, ], pathUnlocks: [ { node: 5, unlock: 3, up: { width: 4, height: 4, successRail: 2, successNode: 0 } }, ], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 0, isActivated: 2, isDamaged: 9, }, path: [ { x: 1280, y: 1152 + 30, node: 10, up: { width: 3, height: 4, successRail: 0, successNode: 3 }, enter: 2 }, { x: 1408, y: 1152 + 30 }, { x: 1536, y: 1280 }, { x: 1664, y: 1280, node: 10, enter: 3 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 3, isActivated: 4, isDamaged: 9, }, path: [ { x: 1536, y: 1024 - 30, node: 10, down: { width: 5, height: 4, successRail: 0, successNode: 5 }, enter: 4 }, { x: 1664, y: 896 }, { x: 1664, y: 768 }, { x: 1792, y: 640, node: 10, enter: 5, up: { width: 4, height: 5, successRail: 3, successNode: 0 } }, ], pathUnlocks: [ { node: 3, unlock: 6, down: { width: 4, height: 6, successRail: 4, successNode: 0 } }, ], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 4, isActivated: 6, isDamaged: 9, }, path: [ { x: 1792, y: 640 - 30, node: 10, enter: 6, down: { width: 5, height: 4, successRail: 2, successNode: 3 } }, { x: 1920, y: 768, }, { x: 2048, y: 768 }, { x: 2176, y: 896, node: 10, enter: 7 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 6, isActivated: 8, isDamaged: 9, }, path: [ { x: 1792, y: 640 + 30, node: 10, up: { width: 5, height: 4, successRail: 2, successNode: 3 }, enter: 8 }, { x: 1920 - 30, y: 768 + 30, }, { x: 2048, y: 768 + 30 }, { x: 2176, y: 896 + 30 }, { x: 2304 - 30, y: 1024 }, { x: 2432, y: 1024, node: 10, enter: 9 }, ], pathUnlocks: [ { node: 5, unlock: 9, down: { width: 5, height: 4, successRail: 2, successNode: 3 } }, ], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 9, isActivated: 9, isDamaged: 10, }, path: [ { x: 2176, y: 1152, node: 10, enter: 10 }, { x: 2304, y: 1024 + 30, }, { x: 2432, y: 1024 + 30, node: 10 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 9, isActivated: 9, isDamaged: 11, }, path: [ { x: 1792, y: 1280, node: 10, down: { width: 6, height: 4, successRail: 7, successNode: 4 } }, { x: 1920, y: 1280 }, { x: 2048, y: 1152 }, { x: 2176, y: 1152, node: 10 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 10, isActivated: 11, isDamaged: 13, }, path: [ { x: 1280, y: 1408, node: 10, enter: 12, up: { width: 0, height: 0, successRail: 8, successNode: 7 } }, { x: 1408, y: 1408 }, { x: 1536, y: 1280 + 30 }, { x: 1664, y: 1280 + 30 }, { x: 1792, y: 1280 + 30, node: 10, enter: 11 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, { unlocks: { isVisible: 11, isActivated: 13, }, path: [ { x: 384, y: 1536 }, { x: 512, y: 1536 }, { x: 640, y: 1536 }, { x: 768, y: 1536 }, { x: 896, y: 1536 }, { x: 1024, y: 1536, enter: 14 }, { x: 1152, y: 1408 - 50 }, { x: 1280, y: 1408 - 50, node: 20, enter: 13 }, ], pathUnlocks: [], }, ]; this.rails = []; for (let i = 0; i < railData.length; i++) { let rail = new Rail(); rail.setPath(railData[i].path); rail.setPathUnlocks(railData[i].pathUnlocks); rail.unlocks = railData[i].unlocks; this.rails.push(rail); } let currentNode = this.getRailNode(saveData.player.rail, saveData.player.railnode); this.player = { x: currentNode.x, y: currentNode.y, width: 20, height: 20, center: { x: 10, y: 10 }, angle: 45 * Math.PI / 180, rotationSpeed: 3 * Math.PI / 180, movementSpeed: 3, target: { x: currentNode.x, y: currentNode.y }, rail: saveData.player.rail, railnode: saveData.player.railnode, }; =; =; var eventData = [ { lock: 0, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "What are you doing here?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "Oh, uh... hello there :D" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "What are you looking for?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I'm here to... pick something up." }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Ha! This place is so old you'll never find what you're looking for." }, ], }, { lock: 1, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "That connection is broken." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "So I can't go this way?" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Not unless you can fix the connection." }, ], }, { lock: 2, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "How did you get here?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I made the thingie light up?" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "You can't be here! Stop it." }, ], }, { lock: 3, dialog: [ { c: 0, s: 0, t: "Hey, are you there?" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "You're still here? What do you want?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I'm stuck. What do I do now?" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Go away. Go back where you came from. You're not allowed here." }, ], }, { lock: 4, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "This is getting tiresome." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I want to see where this goes! ;)" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Nowhere fast." }, ], }, { lock: 5, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "You are a persistent little square, aren't you?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I have to get something. Do you know where I can get it from?" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "I might have an idea..." }, ], }, { lock: 6, dialog: [], }, { lock: 7, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "What exactly are you looking for?" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "It's a kind of request. I'm not really sure ;)" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Try that other branch. But I'm not making any promises!" }, ], }, { lock: 8, dialog: [], }, { lock: 9, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Fine. Look. You can have this." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "Woah! This is what I was looking for!" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "It's not what you think. Plus, you still have to get it out of here." }, ], teleport: { rail: 5, node: 3, x: 2432, y: 1054 }, }, { lock: 10, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Uh oh. Things are shutting down." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "Oh no! What should I do?!" }, { c: 1, s: 1, t: "Just get out of here. I might not see you again." }, ], teleport: { rail: 6, node: 3, x: 2176, y: 1152 }, }, { lock: 11, dialog: [ { c: 1, s: 1, t: "I'll miss you, you annoying little square." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "..." }], }, { lock: 12, dialog: [ { c: 0, s: 0, t: "I'm at the end! But this connection is much bigger than most..." }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "" }, { c: 0, s: 0, t: "... server?" }, ], }, { lock: 13, dialog: [] }, { lock: 14, dialog: [ { c: 0, s: 0, t: "Goodbye, server!" }, ] }, ]; = []; for (let i = 0; i < eventData.length; i++) { let data = eventData[i]; let railEvent = new RailEvent(this, data.lock); railEvent.teleport = data.teleport; for (let j = 0; j < data.dialog.length; j++) { railEvent.addDialog(data.dialog[j].c, data.dialog[j].s, data.dialog[j].t); }; } for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { keys[i] = false; } dragCompleted = false; isDragging = false; this.updateCamera(0); this.dialog = new Dialog(); this.script = []; if (currentNode.enter != null) {[currentNode.enter].run(); } this.updateRailUnlocks(); } updateRailUnlocks() { for (let i = 0; i < this.rails.length; i++) { let rail = this.rails[i]; for (let index in rail.unlocks) { rail[index] = rail.unlocks[index] == 0 || saveData.unlocked.includes(rail.unlocks[index]); } for (let j = 0; j < rail.pathUnlocks.length; j++) { let pathUnlock = rail.pathUnlocks[j]; if (saveData.unlocked.includes(pathUnlock.unlock)) { if (pathUnlock.hasOwnProperty("up")) { rail.vertexes[pathUnlock.node].up = pathUnlock.up; } if (pathUnlock.hasOwnProperty("down")) { rail.vertexes[pathUnlock.node].down = pathUnlock.down; } } } } } getRailNode(rail, node) { return this.rails[rail].getPath()[node]; } update(delta) { if (keys[KeyCode.Esc]) { this.saveScene(); changeState(0); } this.updateBackground(delta); if (this.script.length > 0) { this.dialog.display(this.script[0].character, this.script[0].side, this.script[0].text); this.dialog.update(delta); if (keys[KeyCode.Space] || keys[KeyCode.Enter]) { this.advanceScript(); keys[KeyCode.Space] = false; keys[KeyCode.Enter] = false; } return; } else { this.dialog.hide(); if (saveData.unlocked.includes(14)) { this.fadeAmount += 0.01; if (this.fadeAmount >= 1.5) { changeState(3); } } } this.updatePlayer(delta); this.updateRails(delta); } draw(context) {; context.translate( + dragDelta.x, + dragDelta.y); this.drawBackground(context); this.drawRail(context); this.drawPlayer(context); context.restore(); context.fillStyle = `rgba(0,0,0,${this.fadeAmount})`; context.beginPath(); context.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.fill(); this.dialog.draw(context); } saveScene() { saveData.player.rail = this.player.rail; saveData.player.railnode = this.player.railnode; =; =; saveGame(); this.updateRailUnlocks(); } updateCamera(delta) { let playerRatioX = (this.player.x - / canvas.width; if (playerRatioX < 0.3) { = this.player.x - (0.3 * canvas.width); } if (playerRatioX > 0.7) { = this.player.x - (0.7 * canvas.width); } let playerRatioY = (this.player.y - / canvas.height; if (playerRatioY < 0.3) { = this.player.y - (0.3 * canvas.height); } if (playerRatioY > 0.7) { = this.player.y - (0.7 * canvas.height); } } updateBackground(delta) { } drawBackground(context) { context.fillStyle = Color.VeryDarkBlue; for (let y = 0; y < this.area.height / 128; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < this.area.width / 128; x++) { let wobble = (Math.sin((x * 45) + new Date().getTime() / 1000)); if (saveData.unlocked.includes(9)) { wobble = (Math.sin((x * 45) + new Date().getTime() / 200)); context.fillStyle = `rgb(${140 + (20 * wobble)}, 20, 60)`; }; context.translate(x * 128 + (5 * wobble), y * 128 + (10 * wobble)); context.rotate(45 * (Math.PI / 180)); context.beginPath(); context.rect(-(wobble) - 4, -(wobble) - 4, 2 * wobble + 8, 2 * wobble + 8); context.fill(); context.restore(); } } } updateRails(delta) { for (let i = 0; i < this.rails.length; i++) { let rail = this.rails[i]; if (!rail.isVisible) { continue; } rail.update(delta); } } drawRail(context) { context.lineWidth = 4; for (let i = 0; i < this.rails.length; i++) { let rail = this.rails[i]; if (!rail.isVisible) { continue; } rail.draw(context); } } updatePlayer(delta) { let playerInputReceived = false; let previousNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode - 1); let nextNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode + 1); if (keys[KeyCode.W] || keys[KeyCode.Up]) { this.jumpUpRail(); playerInputReceived = true; } if (keys[KeyCode.S] || keys[KeyCode.Down]) { this.jumpDownRail(); playerInputReceived = true; } if (keys[KeyCode.Enter]) { let currentRail = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode); if (null != currentRail.up) { this.jumpUpRail(); } else { if (null != currentRail.down) { this.jumpDownRail(); } } } if (this.player.x == && this.player.y == { if (keys[KeyCode.A] || keys[KeyCode.Left]) { this.moveToPreviousNode(); playerInputReceived = true; } if (keys[KeyCode.D] || keys[KeyCode.Right] && nextNode) { this.moveToNextNode(); playerInputReceived = true; } } if (Math.abs(this.player.x - <= this.player.movementSpeed) { this.player.x =; } if (Math.abs(this.player.y - <= this.player.movementSpeed) { this.player.y =; } if (previousNode && this.player.x == previousNode.x && this.player.y == previousNode.y) { this.player.railnode--; this.saveScene(); let currentNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode); if (!currentNode.node) { this.moveToPreviousNode(); } if (currentNode.enter != null) {[currentNode.enter].run(); } } if (nextNode && this.player.x == nextNode.x && this.player.y == nextNode.y) { this.player.railnode++; this.saveScene(); let currentNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode); if (!currentNode.node) { this.moveToNextNode(); } if (currentNode.enter != null) {[currentNode.enter].run(); } } if ( != this.player.x || != this.player.y) { let angle = (Math.atan2( - this.player.y, - this.player.x)); this.player.x += this.player.movementSpeed * Math.cos(angle); this.player.y += this.player.movementSpeed * Math.sin(angle); playerInputReceived = true; } //area boundaries if (this.player.x > this.area.width - this.player.width / 2) { this.player.x = this.area.width - this.player.width / 2; = this.player.x; } if (this.player.x < 0 + this.player.width / 2) { this.player.x = this.player.width / 2; = this.player.x; } if (this.player.y > this.area.height - this.player.height / 2) { this.player.y = this.area.height - this.player.height / 2; = this.player.y; } if (this.player.y < 0 + this.player.height / 2) { this.player.y = this.player.height / 2; = this.player.y; } if (playerInputReceived) { this.updateCamera(delta); } } moveToPreviousNode() { let previousNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode - 1); if (previousNode) { = previousNode.x; = previousNode.y; } } moveToNextNode() { let nextNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode + 1); if (nextNode) { = nextNode.x; = nextNode.y; } } jumpUpRail() { let currentRailNode = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode); if (null != currentRailNode.up) { let quest = currentRailNode.up; puzzleRules = quest; this.saveScene(); changeState(2); } } jumpDownRail() { let currentRail = this.getRailNode(this.player.rail, this.player.railnode); if (null != currentRail.down) { let quest = currentRail.down; puzzleRules = quest; this.saveScene(); changeState(2); } } drawPlayer(context) {; context.fillStyle = Color.LightBlue; context.translate(this.player.x, this.player.y); context.rotate(this.player.angle); context.beginPath(); context.rect(,, this.player.width, this.player.height); context.fill(); context.restore(); } onResize() { = canvas.width / 2; = canvas.height / 2; this.dialog.onResize(); } onMouseUp(event) { if (isDragging) { isDragging = false; dragCompleted = true; -= dragDelta.x; -= dragDelta.y; } if (Math.abs(dragDelta.x) > 0 || Math.abs(dragDelta.y) > 0) { dragDelta.x = 0; dragDelta.y = 0; return; } if (this.script.length > 0) { this.advanceScript(); return; } if (!(this.player.x == && this.player.y == { return; } if (Math.abs(( + event.clientX) - this.player.x) > Math.abs(( + event.clientY) - this.player.y)) { if ( + event.clientX > this.player.x) { this.moveToNextNode(); } else if ( + event.clientX < this.player.x) { this.moveToPreviousNode(); } } else { if ( + event.clientY > this.player.y) { this.jumpDownRail(); } else if ( + event.clientY < this.player.y) { this.jumpUpRail(); } } } advanceScript() { this.script.shift(); if (this.script.length > 0) { this.dialog.characters[this.script[0].character].speak(); } else { this.updateRailUnlocks(); } } onMouseMove(event) { if (isDragging) { dragDelta.x = event.clientX - startDrag.x; dragDelta.y = event.clientY - startDrag.y; } } onMouseDown(event) { if (event.button == 0) { isDragging = true; startDrag.x = event.clientX; startDrag.y = event.clientY; dragDelta.x = 0; dragDelta.y = 0; startDrag.time = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); return; } dragCompleted = false; } onRightClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); } onTouchStart(event) { startDrag.x = parseInt(event.targetTouches[0].clientX); startDrag.y = parseInt(event.targetTouches[0].clientY); dragDelta.x = 0; dragDelta.y = 0; startDrag.time = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); dragCompleted = false; } onTouchMove(event) { isDragging = true; dragDelta.x = parseInt(event.targetTouches[0].clientX) - startDrag.x; dragDelta.y = parseInt(event.targetTouches[0].clientY) - startDrag.y; } onTouchEnd(event) { if (event.touches.length != 0) { //I've let go of all points return; } if (isDragging) { isDragging = false; dragCompleted = true; -= dragDelta.x; -= dragDelta.y; dragDelta.x = 0; dragDelta.y = 0; return; } if (!isDragging && !dragCompleted) { if (this.script.length > 0) { return; } if (!(this.player.x == && this.player.y == { return; } //is this touch more vertical or horizontal? let touchX = parseInt(event.changedTouches[0].clientX); let touchY = parseInt(event.changedTouches[0].clientY); if (Math.abs(( + touchX) - this.player.x) > Math.abs(( + touchY) - this.player.y)) { if ( + touchX > this.player.x) { this.moveToNextNode(); } else if ( + touchX < this.player.x) { this.moveToPreviousNode(); } } else { if ( + touchY > this.player.y) { this.jumpDownRail(); } else if ( + touchY < this.player.y) { this.jumpUpRail(); } } } } } class Rail { constructor() { this.vertexes = []; this.isVisible = false; this.isActivated = false; this.isDamaged = false; this.activationUnlock = 0; this.visibleUnlock = 0; this.unlocks = { isVisible: 0, isActivated: 0, }; this.pathUnlocks = []; this.damagedFade = { r: 200, g: 20, b: 60 }; } setPath(vertexes) { this.vertexes = vertexes; } getPath() { return this.vertexes; } setPathUnlocks(unlocks) { this.pathUnlocks = unlocks; } update(delta) { this.damagedFade.r = 200 + (40 * Math.sin(new Date().getTime() / 100)); } draw(context) { context.strokeStyle = Color.DarkBlue; if (this.isActivated && !this.isDamaged) { context.strokeStyle = Color.LightBlue; } else if (this.isActivated && this.isDamaged) { context.strokeStyle = `rgb(${this.damagedFade.r}, ${this.damagedFade.g}, ${this.damagedFade.b})`; } // let activeNodeWobble = 2 + (1 * Math.sin(new Date().getTime() / 100)); let activeNodeWobble = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.vertexes.length - 1; i++) { let vertex = this.vertexes[i]; let nextVertex = this.vertexes[i + 1]; let radius = vertex.node; let nextRadius = nextVertex.node; if (vertex.node) { context.beginPath(); if (this.isActivated) { radius = vertex.node - activeNodeWobble; } context.arc(vertex.x, vertex.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); context.stroke(); } context.beginPath(); let angle = -Math.atan2(vertex.x - nextVertex.x, vertex.y - nextVertex.y) - (90 * Math.PI / 180); if (vertex.node) { context.moveTo(vertex.x + radius * Math.cos(angle), vertex.y + radius * Math.sin(angle)); } else { context.moveTo(vertex.x, vertex.y); } if (nextVertex.node) { if (this.isActivated) { nextRadius = nextVertex.node - activeNodeWobble; } context.lineTo(nextVertex.x - nextRadius * Math.cos(angle), nextVertex.y - nextRadius * Math.sin(angle)); } else { context.lineTo(nextVertex.x, nextVertex.y); } context.stroke(); } let lastVertex = this.vertexes[this.vertexes.length - 1]; if (lastVertex.node) { let lastRadius = lastVertex.node; if (this.isActivated) { lastRadius = lastVertex.node - activeNodeWobble; } context.beginPath(); context.arc(lastVertex.x, lastVertex.y, lastRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); context.stroke(); } } } class RailEvent { constructor(container, lock) { this.container = container; this.lock = lock; this.script = []; this.teleport = null; } addDialog(character, side, text) { this.script.push({ character: character, side: side, text: text }); } run() { if (this.teleport) { this.container.player.rail = this.teleport.rail; this.container.player.railnode = this.teleport.node; = this.teleport.x; = this.teleport.y; } if (saveData.unlocked.includes(this.lock)) { return; } this.container.script = this.container.script.concat(this.script); if (this.container.script.length > 0) { this.container.dialog.characters[this.script[0].character].speak(); } saveData.unlocked.push(this.lock); } }