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- var suggestions = [
- "Did you try rebooting?",
- "Google it!",
- "I'd suggest you read Clean Code again.",
- "Does it follow the Single Responsibility Principle?",
- "Is it open/closed? Open for extension, but closed for modification.",
- "Don't expose your privates!",
- "Keep it simple.",
- "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.",
- "If you're refactoring, you need to wear the refactoring hat, not the new features hat.",
- "Composition over inheritance.",
- "Did you find any results on Google?",
- "Does it follow the interface segregation principle? Try pulling out the common functions into a shared interface.",
- "Dependency inversion: Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. (maybe you need a common interface there?)",
- "Take a step back and tell me what the <em>intention</em> of this is.",
- "I bet the man page would have some useful information.<br /><code>man [command]</code>",
- "There isn't always a <em>best</em>. Use the right tool for the right job.",
- "Do one simple, easy-to-understand thing. Make it work. Then add to it.",
- "All of these features are nice, but we should really focus on the minimum viable product.",
- "You use regular expressions on string manipulation! It's super effective!",
- "To change a file to be executable, you'll have to <code>ch</code>ange its <code>mod</code>ifiers. ;)",
- "What does the debug console say?"
- ];