var suggestions = [ "Did you try rebooting?", "Google it!", "I'd suggest you read Clean Code again.", "Does it follow the Single Responsibility Principle?", "Is it open/closed? Open for extension, but closed for modification.", "Don't expose your privates!", "Keep it simple.", "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.", "If you're refactoring, you need to wear the refactoring hat, not the new features hat.", "Composition over inheritance.", "Did you find any results on Google?", "Does it follow the interface segregation principle? Try pulling out the common functions into a shared interface.", "Dependency inversion: Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. (maybe you need a common interface there?)", "Take a step back and tell me what the intention of this is.", "I bet the man page would have some useful information.
man [command]", "There isn't always a best. Use the right tool for the right job.", "Do one simple, easy-to-understand thing. Make it work. Then add to it.", "All of these features are nice, but we should really focus on the minimum viable product.", "You use regular expressions on string manipulation! It's super effective!", "To change a file to be executable, you'll have to change its modifiers. ;)", "What does the debug console say?" ];